Our greatest preparation for what the days ahead hold is not in - TopicsExpress


Our greatest preparation for what the days ahead hold is not in the hoarding of food, of silver or gold. Many of those who have been captured by this I suggest are being driven by fear. There is validity in some of the preparation. But listen.... It is in first, the knowing of who the Lord Jesus is and not in a historical sense only though that holds a thread of wisdom as it is a conduit of wisdom. It is knowing His ways, and having the determination to follow extremely in obedience as we hear Him speak to us. Us meaning me or you as an individual. To have the confidence to know that He has spoken when the circumstances are imploding around us. And like Peter in the storm tossed boat we must be willing to get out of the boat and walk to the Lord. This or He is our provision. We are in a season that has had tests and more tests and it has felt as if we have missed the primary leading of God, that we live on the fumes of grace at times. But to be buffeted as many have is a treasure. Let us give thanks that even though we have stumbled in frustration we have been held close by the intent of God. It is time to pray that the strongholds that have hindered the fine tuning of our hearing be removed.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 13:59:15 +0000

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