Our hearts go out to the innocent victims of violence@#Paris - TopicsExpress


Our hearts go out to the innocent victims of violence@#Paris #ParisShooting #parisattack& ALL victims of violence evrywhere.Muslims Reaction to the Charlie Hebdo massa After brutal terror attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo that left 12 dead. . Killing of defenceless people and civilians is a heinous act of terror, there is no justification for this heinous act - Afghanistan Albania strongly condemns terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo- Albania This terrorist act committed today against a French media is condemned whatever the assailants’ motives are. Therefore, Algeria strongly condemns this terrorist attack that nothing can justify- Algeria Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi strongly condemns the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris- Arab League We are deeply shocked by the news of the death and wounding of people as a result of a ruthless terrorist act in Paris. We are extremely angered by this horrific event, and strongly support the resolute struggle against all manifestations of terrorism.- Azerbaijan The Kingdom of Bahrain condemns the terrorist attack on Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo newspaper by gunmen claiming a number of lives and injuring others.- Bahrain Egypt stands by France in confronting terrorism, an international phenomenon that targets the world’s security and stability and which requires coordinated international efforts,- Egypt The Indonesian Government sends condolences to the government and people of France, especially the families of the victims- Indonesia [Iran’s Foreign Ministry] condemned Wednesdays terrorist attack in Paris and said any act of terrorism against innocent people is opposed to Islamic teachings.- Iran The Iraqi president, on behalf of the Iraqi people in all of their religions and ethnicities, emphasizes his strong condemnation of this crime, which reflect the degeneration of moral and human values of the extremist terrorists- Iraq The government condemned on Wednesday the terrorist attack against the French Charlie Hebdo newspaper in Paris in which 12 people were killed, including two policemen, and 10 others were injured. State Minister for Media Affairs and Communications Mohammad Momani said the attack on the headquarters of the French newspaper, is an aggression against France and the noble principles and values.- Jordan Government of the Republic of Kosovo strongly condemns this barbaric and cowardly act against the French citizens, police and journalists. In these difficult moments, we express our most sincere condolences, and assure that the people of Kosovo stand along the French people in the fight against terror, and in the defence of the values of freedom.- Kosovo This despicable, heinous and criminal act runs counter to the true values of noble Islam, which advocate peace and tolerance … There are taboos in Islamic teachings against killing or terrorizing innocent people … [the perpetrators of the deadly attack are] a group of misled criminal insurgents who use Islam as a pretext for justifying their cowardly acts- Kuwait [we offer] sympathies and full solidarity with the French government and people in their fight against terrorism- Lebanon the Wednesday attack does not represent the values of the moderate Islam that prohibits attacks against civilians.- Libya Malaysia condemns in the strongest terms all acts of violence. We stand in unity with the French people. We must fight extremism with moderation- Malaysia It was with deep sorrow and grief that [King Mohammed of Morocco] learned the sad news of the cowardly terrorist attack against the editorial office of the Charlie Hebdo weekly in Paris … he strongly condemned the odious, cowardly terrorist attack- Morocco [the Secretary General] expressed his solidarity with the Government and People of France in their moment of national grief; and extended his deepest condolences to the families of the victims. He reiterated OIC’s unwavering and principled position which condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, reaffirming the need to consolidate regional and international efforts to combat and root out this phenomenon of terrorizing innocent people, threatening social fabrics and creating a gulf between cultures and religions. - Organization of Islamic Cooperation Pakistan condemns the brutal terrorist attack in Paris that resulted in the loss of many lives and has left several others injured … Pakistan deplores terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. We extend our condolences to the government and people of France on the loss of life.- Pakistan strongly condemned and deplored the heinous crime that is in contradiction of religion and morality- Palestinian National Authority Strong condemnation and denunciation of Wednesday’s attack … stressed that such acts against defenseless civilians contradict with all moral principles and human values.- Qatar [Saudi Arabia] has followed with deep sorrow the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris. It condemns this cowardly terrorist attack which is incompatible with Islam religion and disapproved by religions and faiths, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia extends its condolences to the families of victims and to the government and people of friendly France, wishing speedy recovery for the wounded,- Saudi Arabia [Syria] strongly condemned the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo- Syria We condemn in the strongest terms these terrorist acts, their perpetrators, and those who support them- Tunisia We, as Turkey, condemn with hatred any kind of terror … We are against any form of terror regardless of where it comes from and what its motives are.- Turkey [UAE] strongly condemned the heinous terrorist attack at the office of the French weekly Charlie Hebdo in Paris- United Arab Emirates The French Council of the Muslim Faith and the Muslims of France condemn in the strongest terms the exceptionally violent terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo. This barbaric act of extreme gravity is an attack against democracy and a free press.- French Council of the Muslim Faith We strongly condemn this brutal and cowardly attack and reiterate our repudiation of any such assault on freedom of speech, even speech that mocks faiths and religious figures- Council on American-Islamic Relations, USA We condemn the attack on #CharlieHebdo. Whomever the attackers are, and whatever the cause may be, nothing justifies the taking of life.- The Muslim Council of Great Britain, UK The UOIF condemns in the strongest terms this criminal attack, and these horrible murders. The UOIF expresses its deepest condolences to the families and all the employees of Charlie Weekly.- Union of Islamic Organisations of France [Al-Azhar condemns the] criminal attack … Islam denounces any violence - Al-Azhar University, Egypt [those who committed the attacks are] devoid of humanity and Islam is innocent of such attacks.- Dar Al-Ifta, Egypt The Association of British Muslims strongly condemns the horrific shooting at the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris that has killed at least 13 people according to the news reports. Our thoughts are with the victims of this terror attack and the families affected at this difficult time. - The Association of British Muslims, UK We condemn this barbaric attack which was seemingly done to undermine freedom of speech. Speech, even when it is offensive to our religious traditions and sensibilities, can never be a justification to kill- Islamic Society of North America The Muslim Public Affairs Council strongly condemns the deplorable attack on the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, which occurred today in Paris. - MPAC, USA The US Council of Muslim Organizations … strongly denounces the attack on the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, a severe and inexcusable infringement on freedom of speech- US Council of Muslim Organizations, USA The terror attack in paris was sickening and utterly wrong- Islamic Society of Britain, UK From our Argentina, land of peace and peaceful coexistence among all religious and secular communities, Muslims pray for peace to reign in the world, and that those who commit injustices and spread terror receive the punishment they deserve, and for those who suffer these evils and calamities receive protection and justice. God wills it.- Islamic Center of Argentina We, scholars of the Islamic nation, strongly condemn any action that sheds the blood of innocents, spreading corruption on earth, whoever the perpetrators are and whatever their religion- Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Chairman of International Union of Muslim Scholars, Qatar This is a thunderous declaration of war. The times have changed. We’re entering a new phase of this confrontation… we are horrified by the brutality and the savagery- Dalil Boubakeur, Imam of Paris, France Our Prophet was verbally abused and physically harrased multiple times in Makkah. Never ONCE did any of the Companions go and murder those who did such deeds. Do those who kill others in the name of the Prophet believe that they love him more than the companions? And even for those who believe that the penalty for blasphemy should be death: by unanimous consensus of ALL the scholars of Islam, this must take place after a legitimate trial, by a qualified judge, appointed by a legitimate Islamic state. Under NO circumstances does Islam allow vigilante justice, for to open this door leads to chaos, confusion and bloodshed. Muslims: get your act together!! Such acts of terror are not only haram and spill innocent blood, they will come back to harm you and your communities in the short and long run.- Sheikh Yasir Qadhi, USA I feel deep sorrow. I strongly condemn [the attack]. As Muslims, we can never approve acts of terrorism or violence. This attack is one that directly targeted Islam and Muslims, who belong to this supreme religion – Mehmet Gormez, Turkey’s President of Religious Affairs, Turkey Their barbarism has nothing to do with Islam … I am extremely angry … These are criminals, barbarians. They have sold their soul to hell. This is not freedom. This is not Islam and I hope the French will come out united at the end of this.- Imam Hassen Chalghoumi, France Charlie Hebdo: NO! NO! NO! Contrary to what was apparently said by the killers in the bombing of Charlie Hebdo’s headquarters, it is not the Prophet who was avenged, it is our religion, our values and Islamic principles that have been betrayed and tainted. My condemnation is absolute and my anger is profound (healthy and a thousand times justified) against this horror!!! Allow me to express my deep sympathy and sincere condolences to the families of the victims.- Tariq Ramadan, Professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at Oxford University, UK As a Muslim, killing innocent people in the name of Islam is much, much more offensive to me than any cartoon can ever be. #CharlieHebdo- Iyad El-Baghdadi, Author/Journalist/Activist, Norway Horrifed and saddened by attack at #CharlieHebdo. Simple as that. No political rhetoric to add right now. Just sick to my stomach.- Rabia Chaudry, Lawyer/Journalist/Activist, USA As a Muslim, I condemn the cruel attack on #CharlieHebdo & offer condolences to the French people. The “Islam” of the murderers is not mine.- Mustafa Akyol, Author/Journalist/Activist, Turkey In fact, Muslim communities all over the world share the pains and sadness with the victims’ families and friends. Our hearts bleed for their loss and pains- Dr. Wael Shihab, OnIslam, Egypt Whatever opinions the newspaper advocated, they cannot be opposed by killing and criminality … Terror has no religion.- Ali Al-Qaradaghi, Secretary-general of International Union of Muslim Scholars, Qatar Terror is not the purpose of Islam.– Sheikh Allahshukur Pashazade, Azerbaijan Islam commands Muslims to act and change evil and injustice.That’s why it’s a religious duty on us help find the suspects.- Nihad Awad, National Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, USA Terrorists behind Paris #CharlieHebdo attack have nothing to do with Islam nor can their actions ever be justified.- Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri, Founder Minhaj-ul-Quran International, Pakistan Good job, you sick, thick murderers in Paris. Now you’ve got the whole world looking at those caricatures of the Prophet. Well done (!)- Mehdi Hassan, Huffington Post UK’s political director, UK Those who perpetrate killings in the name of jihad and Allah in Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Egypt, Libya and today Paris, do more to harm Islam than the adversaries of Islam could have ever done. - Habib Ali Al-Jifri, Founder of the Tabah Foundation, UAE Muslim can’t be terrorist, and terrorist can’t be Muslim. I deplore and strongly condemn the inhuman attack against #CharlieHebdo - Dr. Ihsan Yilmaz, Journalist, Turkey There can be no excuse whatsoever for this barbarism. Attackers must be found and brought to justice. Disgraceful! #JeSuisCharlieHebdo today- Mustafa Edib Yilmaz, Journalist, Turkey We condemn the attack in #Paris and pray for soonest recovery for the injured and patience to families & people of France. #CharlieHebdo- Harun Yahya, Author, Turkey A Jewish cartoonist and a Muslim policeman of the dead in Paris. Extremism impacts us ALL. Let’s unite. The terrorists want us divided.- Linda Sarsour, Activist, USA Shockingly repugnant terrorist attack today in Paris.- Dr. H. A. Hellyer, Nonresident Fellow in MENA, Brookings Institution and Harvard, UK In the aftermath of the heinous attack in Paris, and the equally heinous “operations” occurring elsewhere, my immediate response is re-posting my “Peace Plea.” When will we learn that senseless violence only begets more senseless violence. Be an ambassador of mercy and peace. Do your part to end the escalating cycles of violence and hate, -before it is too late.- Imam Zaid Shakir, Chairman and co-founder of Zaytuna College, USA #ParisShooting What is more insulting to the Prophet (peace be upon him) than satirical cartoons are those who murder innocent people in his name. “And We have sent you not (Oh Muhammad) but as a mercy to all the worlds” [Quran 21:107]- Sheikh Omar Suleiman, Bayyinah Institute, USA There is no religious justification for the horrible murders that took place in Paris yesterday. Just because a person appears on television and writes op-eds, does not mean he is proficient in navigating the deeper sciences of theology. I and a large number of “trained” Imams, unconditionally denounce these acts of treachery and we extend our prayers to those who lost loved ones and the people of France.- Imam Suhaib Webb, Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center, USA
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 06:57:13 +0000

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