Our home has been invaded by a huge pack of very hungry eighteen - TopicsExpress


Our home has been invaded by a huge pack of very hungry eighteen year-olds! Ronan and I have taken refuge in our bedroom enjoying our take-out dinner from Biaggis (since it was my night to cook), and are ready to finish watching America: The Story Of Us since we fell asleep halfway through it last night. Hope we can hear it over Jordan and his friends enjoying themselves in the rest of the house. Im not complaining, mind you, as I know the years of weekends of a house full of Jordans friends will be ending come August when Jordan leaves Ron Rhodes and me for Ball State. Funny how it truly feels like only yesterday those boys were in grade school, and I used to have to make sure they brushed their teeth and got in their jammies when they used to stay the night. Now, the only thing I tell them to do is to drive safely when they leave. Their voices went from cute and gentle, to now LOUD and ROWDY! LOL! The pitter-patter of their little feet running through the house playing Star Wars has evolved into tremendous THUDS as they go by our door to clear out the food in the kitchen. And gone are the years of parents arriving one after another to drop Jordans friends off. Now, it looks as if we are having a huge party, as the boys all have their own cars and are parked all up and down the street. Sigh... life goes by so very fast; too fast.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 04:10:20 +0000

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