Our homes are places of teaching and instruction for our children, - TopicsExpress


Our homes are places of teaching and instruction for our children, that it is our responsibility to teach God’s Word in our home. So here’s the picture—now listen to this. This is ideal, and most of us didn’t have anything like this, but this is the picture: A child is born. A child comes into the world. •A child is born into a home with a mother and a father. That mother and that father know God and love God. •That mother and that father understand biblical manhood, true womanhood, and live and exemplify those things. •That mother and that father understand marriage and paint the picture of a relationship between Christ and His Church. •That mother and that father give instruction in sound doctrine to that child throughout that child’s life, and they raise that child in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. •They take that child to a healthy church, and in that healthy church, this child, over the course of its life, hears thundered from the pulpit the Word of God just like that child had taught in the home. •The child sees it thundered from a godly, manly man who lives as men ought to live. And, by the way, when I say “manly man,” I’m not talking about (in gruff-sounding voice) “Me, mine; you, woman. Me speak; you do.” No. I’m talking about Christ and His example of true manhood. So he sees the life of this man and hears the words of this man, and it echoes what he hears in his home. •Then there are these people—they’re older, and they’ve got gray hair. Some of them don’t walk so fast anymore, but they also echo what this child hears taught in her home. They love this child’s mother and father, mentor this child’s mother and father. Voddie Baucham
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 18:21:35 +0000

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