Our homes must become places of refuge from the restless violent - TopicsExpress


Our homes must become places of refuge from the restless violent evil that fills the world. But today it is just the opposite. The kids are turning against each other and the parents. The parents are turning against each other when times of opposition and trials come. Instead of eating together as a family or just spending time with family, we get on our phones and text or facebook, ipad, computer etc. Instead of the parents spending time together (because thats what best friends do) they got out with their friends. they justify that with....i just need a break from all this.And that turns out to be an almost every weekend thing. I truly believe that happy marriages are generous with kind thoughts,words, and actions. Both must be ready to give more than they get. (that is selfless. Lord HELP ME with that one). I truly believe in my heart, the most important things in the home are not our Rock Revival Jeans, Miss Me Jeans or our smart phones, our vehicles, our jobs or even $$$. Its the people in the home. Jesus being preeminent. I also strongly believe, a childs image of God is strongly influenced by his relations with his parents. LOVING and MATURE parents make it easy for children to understand Gods character. But easily irritated, inconsistant, or domineering parents instill a poor father image. (mother too). Jesus said, MY commandment is this: Love each other as i have loved you. John 15:12. The truth is, if one isnt looking to Jesus and understanding exactely what He did at Calvary, you cant share that kind of love. Ill leave with this: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always persevers. Love never fails 1 CORINTHIANS 13:4-8. Now i know their are some fathers and mothers out there that dont have any problems with any of this, but i can say, all this applies to me and other parents. yall know who you are. There is nothing wrong with saying, Im weak Lord in these areas and i need your help. Teach me how to become more like You. A better Parent. i think i just ministered to myself. lol
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 11:33:04 +0000

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