Our job is not to judge but to love and help the poor. There - TopicsExpress


Our job is not to judge but to love and help the poor. There are dozens of scriptures in the bible on helping the poor. Ive yet to find a but or if. These are the least of these and they need your help! I do not want to tell another person that Im out of warm gloves, coats, blankets, etc, as theyre standing outside freezing. Im asking for you to please help. Go through your closets. Not to the very back of your closet to the stained/ripped coats that you work outside in but to give a loving, sacrificial gift to someone who owns nothing but whats on their back or in a back pack. I know you are doing that. Thanks! That is what Jesus would do, right. Lets show the true love of God to broken, hurting people just looking for a reason to grab hold of HOPE. Below is a list of our needs and donation barrel locations in the comments! Please share and THANK YOU!!! -Coats/hoodies/jackets - Heavy blankets/sleeping bags -Heavy boots/sturdy shoes - Hats, gloves, insulated gloves, scarves - Socks/Insulated sock, underwear/thermal underwear - Mens & womens jeans - Mens & womens warm winter tops - Cases of water or juice - Backpacks/duffle bags - Pre-packaged chips, peanuts, crackers, poptarts, ind oatmeal packets, pull top can food, other prepackaged food - Flashlights/batteries - Battery operated lanterns - Pillar candles - Toiletries (soap, deodorant, shampoo/cond, toothpaste/brushes, feminine hygiene products, hand sanitizer, Tylenol, first aid items.) - Wash cloths/towels - Bibles
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 22:56:51 +0000

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