Our journey together has often times been tough and challenging, - TopicsExpress


Our journey together has often times been tough and challenging, yes and at times frustrating. I have questioned my sanity more times than I can think of. Bracken is my second horse, I bought her as a 6 year old, dreaming of long hacks across the countryside. It soon became apparent that her issues and lack of training were greater than my level of experience and horsemanship could handle. But she was mine and I was determined to find a way to work through this and understand what made her tick and behave the way she did. I ignored popular opinion and advice to use more force, gadgets e.t.c. this just isnt my way and started to search and learn about equines in general. In the first instance we tried Natural Horsemanship, I was enticed by the promise of a better relationship with my horse based on the language of love and understanding leadership. We passed Parelli levels 1 and 2 online and we were well on our way to achieving level 2 freestyle riding in our rope halter. We even began taking short hacks out in the woods, her aggression towards me had stopped, however I was still not happy, nor it seems was my horse. She would pin her ears when asked to trot and would only put enough effort it in for any pressure I applied to go away. I began to study to become an Equine Massage Therapist and learned more about these wonderful creatures. I was taught about anatomy, physiology, nutrition, equine ethology, biomechanics and began to discover the effects of riding,lifestyle, working disciplines and tack on their muscular/skeletal system. I was taught how Equine Massage Therapy can help all horses, any age, any working discipline. The more I learned the more I have come to respect and love them and want to help and work with them. I cant imagine doing anything else. In December of last year I came across a lady called Helen Spence, after a brief exchange of e-mails, she pointed me in the direction of the lovely ladies of Connection Training and our lives together has changed beyond recognition. I have now truly begun to understand why horses behave the way they do and to understand why they dont always do what we ask of them. I know now it isnt because my horse is trying to dominate me or deliberately being stubborn or naughty, it is because she is trying to communicate something to me. I am learning to read the subtle cues that she is either in some discomfort, fearful, confused or just plain pissed of with me and just not in the mood. We are. now progressing all be it slowly towards my goals and dreams, without the need for the the force I so hated having to apply. I use the knowledge I have gained from all areas of my studies and training experiences to inform my approach as an Equine Massage Therapist and always have the individual horses best interest at heart. I listen to the horse and what they are telling me in their own sweet way and try to communicate what I see and feel to their care giver. I am only human and dont always read it right, but I know for sure the horse is never wrong and will always inform me of such. I do what I do for the love of the horse, especially the one in the pictures below. :-)
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 14:12:19 +0000

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