Our life is our theatre...and All the world is our stage (sorry - TopicsExpress


Our life is our theatre...and All the world is our stage (sorry Will) lol We may play many roles throughout our lifetime. Some will be by choice... some by design... some will be prestigious and some will be sublime. But whatever the roles are... we play them all to the best of our abilities at the time. We draw as our motivation...and inspiration.... from the experiences of our past and from all that lives within us at our station in time. God may ask us on occasion..in order to humble us... to play the downtrodden. . The poorman... the beggar... The theif. He may ask us to wear shoes a size bigger or one too small...but in each of these roles we play.. we glean some kind lesson.. some reflection of insight.. we can learn from them all. I believe that it is only after these cameo appearances or supporting roles that God will offer us an opportunity for our most prestigious performance... the one where we are the leading man or leading lady..This role and this character is based purely on a true story... your story. Your inspiration and your motivation... will come from all that you have learned... make this your best performance! So when its time for the final curtain to come down.... each and every spirit will rise and give you a standing ovation and all the love and energy you will need to take on your next journey..... Love your world... enjoy your stage...
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 14:42:33 +0000

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