Our lil trip to the gulf. Y? Hell just because.Extern Report - TopicsExpress


Our lil trip to the gulf. Y? Hell just because.Extern Report Management In the smokehouse at rouses #16, we have the same supervisor as the meat department Jeremy. He usually leaves smoke house alone for a good portion of the day, mainly because he is busy helping the meat department cut meat and get caught up with their case. When he does get a chance to break away and come mess with us in smokehouse he doesn’t miss. He is always quick to ask me jokingly if I know what I’m doing because of my culinary background. He likes to have fun while working, but expects a certain degree of seriousness when it comes to the actual work because we are working with some dangerous equipment at times. We also have an assistant manager in the meat department Danny Ho, or “lil Ho”as we call him. He stands at staggering five foot tall to the top of his hat, but that don’t stop him from letting you know where you stand. I remember when I first started, I was walking through the meat department meeting everyone and then I met Danny Ho. I thought of him as a shrude SOB at the time, because he told it like it was and didn’t really care what you thought about it. Over the summer we’ve grown to be good friends and now he says that he got my back. The personality differentiation between the two managers is night and day, Jeremy is laid back doesn’t show much emotion in the face of a problem, where as Danny kind of panics when faced with a problem until he grasps the solution. My training in smoke house depended allot on my previous culinary experience. The training was not very helpful because I knew more than them about what they where doing. It wasn’t so much learning what to do but learning how rouses wanted it done, and doing it according to there guidelines. Management is very strict on guidelines for instance when we make kabobs in smoke house the look at each cube of meat on the kabob and if there is just a lil to much fat, or the slightest amount of grissel we have to pull it and replace it. I guess that’s what I like about the management though it can get aggravating at times, it keeps you on your toes. The only dislike I have in management at rouses, is that some of them expect you yo kiss their ass, and that just isn’t me. I don’t feel like in order to advance in a place you have to suck up to the big dogs. Like the other day I was getting some steaks for a customer and the scale was messing up and It gave a different price each time I weighed the product. So I called management to the meat department and told them what the problem was and naturally when management used it , it wasn’t doing it any more. After serving the customer they proceeded to give me a lecture on how to use the scale that I had been using the whole summer like it was my fault. So after they left I was looking at the scale and noticed that someone had hit the tare button earlier and the scale was reading negative six instead of the standard negative three that we put in to compensate for the weight of the paper. I’m just saying that I would have been in there shoes I would have tried to figure out if there was something wrong with the scale before turning the blame onto the employee that obviously knows how to use the scale after two months of working it. I’m not worried about it, most of the time I’m getting positive feedback on my work. The other day Jeremy approached me right before I was going on lunch and was telling me how I was doing such a good job in smokehouse and how when I opened I he didn’t have to worry about stuff not getting done, and he liked how I was in control of the team. He offered me a part time meat cutting position a couple days a week and if I took it there was a good chance of a pay raise, hell yea I took it. Team Members The most important thing to all of the employees in the smokehouse is the customer’s satisfaction. Seeing the smile of a truly satisfied customer is what motivates us all to strive to do our best work possible. The way I chose to motivate my team is positive reinforcement an assuring them that it will get done without directing all of the work load on anyone’s individual person. In all honesty my fellow employees value their hours and their paycheck the most but second to that, is knowing that they successfully completed a day’s work and everything was done to the customers satisfaction. What we look for in an employer is respect, and confidence in us that we can complete the task at hand. Most of mu colleagues posses very basic knife skills and a basic knowledge of how to read a recipe, if they have any questions they ask me or Terry (Seafood manager, and former JFCI alumni). Across the board their work is fairly consistent. Marketing We sell meat prepared many different ways and sold in many different shapes and forms. The big sellers in my department are the different types of steaks Filet mignon is the number one seller and ribeye comes in as a close second, next Is T Bone and after that is sirloin. If I’ve learned anything about the people of Thibodaux, it is that no matter how much something cost when it comes to food if they want it u better believe they gonna get it. Part of the reason we sell so many of the steaks is their location. We have them on display in a glass case which doubles as a service counter. The clientele at rouses is a wide variety of people from the poverty line to mansion, but what we get allot of people shopping for specialty items that other stores might not carry. The best method of marketing is demoing product letting the customer taste what he or she is about to purchase. I’d say that a good 25 percent of revenue went to marketing through advertising and sales add’s. Inventory Control In our cooler we go by specific guidelines First In First Out. When we get an order in we pull all of the boxes write the date on all of the new product then stack it then put the older product on top of that. We order every Monday Wednesday, and Friday. We receive every Tuesday, and Thursday and on the weekend. All of our orders are done by computer and are received by the head of the department, and the invoice is sent to headquarters. We take a physical inventory every week to make shure we don’t over order on steaks and stuff for the case. If we have any waste or throw away things that we can’t merchandise it is loged into a notebook then put into the computer by the manager. We handle all of our product with care and we store it either in the cooler or in the freezer as soon as it comes off of the truck to prevent excess exposure to the heat. Our portion is determined by head quarters and sales. Overall Operation I believe that I performed to my fullest applying my knowledge of food in every aspect of the job and was also open to any knowledge that was put before me. I started off the summer thinking that I had failed myself by taking a job in the meat department of a grocery store and not joining the restaurant business, but I realized about half way through the summer that this might have been the best learning experience ever. I’ve learned so much about meat and butchery now if I walked into a restaurant and chef goes I need you to butcher a leg of lamb, or a bone in anything, or hey mason I need you to cut me some eight ounce filets for service I con do it.
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 03:02:21 +0000

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