Our little buddy Vinnie Van Gogh has been given the all-clear from - TopicsExpress


Our little buddy Vinnie Van Gogh has been given the all-clear from his orthopedic surgeon at North Star Vets, so he took his first ever long walk like a big boy today! No stroller, no braces, just Vinnie and his four legs to carry him along. He did absolutely fantastic and we are just so proud of him! Vinnie had a check up yesterday and also had his sutures removed. His incision is healing up nicely but his hip needs some work, so Dr. Weinstein prescribed exercises for patient Van Gogh three times a day now. (Keep a lookout for those exercise and yoga videos coming soon!) Vinnie is not that cooperative during his exercises just yet, but not because it causes him discomfort, but because he refuses to stay still for his exercise time! Were sure hell get the hang of it and with two of us helping him get through his workout, we can distract him enough to get things done. Vinnie just loves being out and walking on his own. He takes in all of the sights, sounds and of course, smells of our walking areas, and the Vinnie-snorting is in full force the whole time! Vinnie also got the o.k. to have his big room back, which he is just thrilled about. Naturally he had to run around, checking things out and rearranging things as he saw fit. Vinnie will be going for his second surgery in a couple of weeks for his other hip. None of us are looking forward to it, but its absolutely necessary to ensure that Vinnie lives a full, healthy life. We cant thank you all enough for supporting Vinnie through all of this. We are able to get the medical help that he needs thanks to our supporters that contribute to our Res-Q Fund. To make a contribution to our fund to help Vinnie and so many others like him, click here: ahscares.org/shop/item.asp?itemid=28&catid=5 Thank you all again, and please stay tuned for more from the Invincible Vinnie! youtu.be/v9aRccgk-uQ
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 14:01:34 +0000

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