Our lives are made of time. We each have a predetermined amount - TopicsExpress


Our lives are made of time. We each have a predetermined amount of time. I have personally lived for 561,912 hours of time. What have I accomplished during that time?? What we do with the time given to us determines who we really are. What is important to us? Where do our deepest interests lie? What drives us? What do we hope to accomplish in time? DO WE HAVE A PLAN? Perhaps we have not noticed it but our time is running out. Yes, we do not want to think about it but it is true. Can we look back and say that we have used the time given to us well so far? Or have we used it to please ourselves only? Do we have a model or do we have a plan?? For the disciple of Jesus Christ, He is our model. He focused on things eternal not on things temporal. We have a tendency to focus of temporal things to a fault. Some are not seeing the big picture. Jesus want us to see with eyes toward eternity. Why wait until we see death coming to decide to focus on the proper things?? Does that make sense?? Some folks find it easy to make a one-time profession of faith and then give the majority of their remaining time to their own desires thinking that they have the God thing covered. A sacrificial lifestyle does not even enter their mind or thinking. How sad!! Jesus lived a selfless, sacrificial life. He calls His followers to live similar lives. No, you cannot serve God and mammon. This present world is not our final abode. Why live like it will be?? Why get so attached to it?? Why live according to its values or follow where it leads? Can we follow Jesus and follow the world?? The answer is NO. Use your time wisely today. Study the map daily (the Bible). Perhaps you are following a certain leader. My advise to you is ... study the map! In our day, false leaders abound. Only the map and the guiding of the Spirit of God are certain. YOUR soul is at stake! It might be good to check our map more often.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 03:51:30 +0000

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