Our lives lie in Hashem’s hands. The quicker we give up the - TopicsExpress


Our lives lie in Hashem’s hands. The quicker we give up the illusionary struggle of trying to win control over our lives and ‘playing’ G-d, the more content we will be with our present circumstances. This becomes more of a reality to us on Shabbat Kodesh. We discover that all the ‘securities’ of the world are false and we cease to trust them. On Shabbat we accept Hashem as the only sovereignty even though we often try to take control of our lives. On Shabbat we are enveloped with tranquility and peace since we experience the real ‘self’, the central core of eternal life. We strengthen our relationship with Hashem and strive to rely only on Him. Whenever we place our trust in others or on our own efforts we in essence create a false g-d. This blocks the rays of serenity felt when connecting to the truthful reality of Ein Od Milvado, there is no one else but Hashem. The spirit of Shabbat is Shalom, being embraced in the tent of peace and feeling Hashem’s presence dwell amongst us. During Shabbat we reflect and connect with HaKadosh Baruch Hu. Through ceasing, when we stop working, we are gifted to reach an elated spiritual awareness. The additional neshama enhances this mindfulness and allows us to have a wider perspective on our lives. We are freed to absorb the goodness that Hashem bestows upon us and align ourselves with creation. The oasis of time that Shabbat brings is most appreciated in our modern day lives. By spending day in and day out in endless work we are driven further into exile. The rhythm of life demands twenty-four seven productivity. We wait for the moment to experience inner balance and make sense of the life we lead. The principle behind spiritual rest: we stop ‘creating’ solutions to our struggles and with emuna shleimah trust only in Hashem to send the yeshuot (salvations). Hence more than a physical rest Shabbat is a rest of the mind. On Shabbat we proclaim that there is nothing more that we can do to resolve any life challenge. We simply need to cease worrying.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 08:08:08 +0000

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