Our loyalties are not to any political party, individual or - TopicsExpress


Our loyalties are not to any political party, individual or ideologies. Our loyalty is to humanity. No one should be dying in war that they do not own. The child who is 2.5 year or the man who is burned alive do not support AL or BNP.JI. Its not his war. No, it is not 71, coz no one owns this war except for vested political interest. My father would tell me how each home was during the war movement. How each ones blood boiled when they saw Razakars and Pakistani Soldiers. How people responded with joy to any call from Bangabondhu. Does that happen today? We have all grown numb to any political fight cause everyone failed to deliver and we sank into corruption. No one speaks for us. None speak for Bangladeshis. Who is the JONOGON both parties keep referring to? Yes,I despise extremists and many ideologies. They have grown to infest the nation internally. However that was done over 40 years, it cannot be undone over night. The actions will just move them underground to be more ferocious. If we want to fight them we should create better job opportunities, build infrastructure faster ( and much more) . The failure of the state to provide better life for many, push them into a vulnerable place to be recruited to become extremists and arsonists. Instead there is the new trend of tagging anyone Jamaati, BNP or Nastik whoever contradicts any of the 2!
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 04:04:13 +0000

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