Our military is to be used to protect its citizens and this - TopicsExpress


Our military is to be used to protect its citizens and this nations Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Obammie is gutting our military while shredding the Constitution and taking away our rights. He has allowed armed troops from other nations to step foot on our soil, has changed the rules of engagement so that now our troops have to get permission to fire back at the enemy or they can be charged with a crime, he has said that returning combat veterans are terrorists and must be disarmed, he is cutting pay and medical benefits for our troops, he is supplying aid and comfort to our enemies, he has failed to protect our borders and wants to give amnesty to 20 million illegal aliens, he refuses to deport illegal alien felons and even hands out pamphlets telling illegals how to get money from the government, he and his minions have made a mockery of this once great nation turning us into a paper tiger, he is gutting this nation while lining his pockets, he attacks people like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and other conservatives who are trying to do the job they were elected BY THE PEOPLE to do, he refused help to our people in Benghazi, sent Seal Team 6 to their death, lies continually about ObammieIDontCare while taking away our right to chose how we manage our healthcare, our childrens education, our right to defend ourselves and yet this man is still sitting in OUR WHITE HOUSE while people argue who is to blame. WE THE PEOPLE are to blame for NOT standing up and taking charge of the situation, for depending on the traitors in Congress to do the job for us. He is arming his agencies to wage war on the American People, he has put islamic terrorists in high offices, he touts socialist and marxist rhetoric, he takes our hard earned money and gives it to people who refuse to take care of themselves as well as to countries that hate America and wish to do us harm. He is bribing our local police departments with military toys so that they will help him control us, to keep us from rising up against his tyrannical government. WE THE PEOPLE must put a stop to this once and for all or we are doomed to slavery and death at the hands of the government.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 11:34:07 +0000

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