Our mission is to conduct systematic journalistic investigations - TopicsExpress


Our mission is to conduct systematic journalistic investigations that can have an impact on Hungarian society by exposing problems like corruption and other forms of power abuse. We plan to produce stories that no other news organization will. [..] We bring a unique approach to journalism in Hungary, a country in which investigative journalism in the Western sense — methodical, systematic examination of issues — has not taken roots widely. Following the best international examples, we will apply the practices of social sciences — like data analysis — in our reporting, and we will ensure that our stories are based only on thoroughly checked facts, and never on assumptions or accusations. This kind of journalism is indispensable for any healthy democracy. It’s possibly even more important in Hungary, a country that lies at the heart of Europe. Follow Direkt36 on their Facebook page! -Tracer
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 15:58:00 +0000

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