Our modern-day society is filled with inaccuracies with regards to - TopicsExpress


Our modern-day society is filled with inaccuracies with regards to the Word of God. Every one of them is harmful because the Bible is truth and any misstatement of the truth, one would have to concede, is a lie. * The Bible doesnt teach that there are many ways to Heaven. It teaches that there is only ONE way - Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches, in the words of Jesus Himself, that He alone is the way, the truth and the life and that NO ONE comes to the Father by any other means than by faith in Him. * The Bible doesnt teach us that we may earn our way to Heaven. As a matter of fact, the Bible teaches that the unrighteous (thats ALL of us) cannot enter Heaven. No matter what good deeds you have done, no matter who your parents are, no matter how rich or nice you are and no matter what your life status or memberships are, these things do not wipe away your sin. The Bible teaches that our human righteousness is as filthy rags to God, so we have no hope, on our own, that we may EVER enter Heaven. However, the Bible teaches that because God loves us so much, HE provided a way FOR us. The Bible teaches us that only a blood sacrifice can remit (pay for) sin and Jesus Christ, the Son of God in the flesh, shed the very blood of God that by faith in Him, we may accept Him as Lord (that means we must submit to His will for our lives, turning from our old life of sin) and Savior (accepting His perfect, sinless blood and suffering as payment on our behalf for all our sin) and by HIS righteousness, not ours, we may enter into Heaven. We have a choice to make, and even if we choose to abstain, that is still a choice to reject Jesus, die in our sin and by default, spend eternity in torment and flame. * Contrary to what you see here on Facebook and almost everywhere else in the world, EVERYONE DOES NOT go to Heaven. Even though we may mean well by attempting to comfort the bereaved, we do them a great disservice by telling them that their loved one is with God or with the angels, etc. if we are not certain that they have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. Wishing wont make it so. Praying for the dead wont make it so. Only each persons decision of what we must do with Christ may make it so. When we mislead people with platitudes, we are leading them to believe that everyone eventually ends up in Heaven and the Bible just doesnt support that belief at all. The Bible teaches us that as soon as life leaves our bodies, the saved go to Heaven and the unsaved go to Hell. It behooves us all who DO know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to be diligent in telling our friends, neighbors and especially our families about Jesus NOW while they are alive. We ought also to be raising our children in church and a godly home where they see an example of Jesus in our own lives, daily. I hope you know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and if you dont, Id love the opportunity to tell you more, so that you can go to Heaven when your time comes to leave this world. God bless you!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 17:39:43 +0000

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