Our nation wants a shallow Gospel that doesn’t challenge us to - TopicsExpress


Our nation wants a shallow Gospel that doesn’t challenge us to make sacrifices and be righteous, and Joel Osteen has come to give us exactly that....he is exactly what our society believes a Christian should be: nice, non-threatening, non-Biblical, and superficial...Osteen is the pastor that America deserves... So very sad, but also so very true. So many Christians I know live with the Osteen mentality. This is not what the Bible teaches - in fact, in 2 Timothy we are specifically warned about this kind of heretical teaching! Is this what Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24 when He said that if possible, even the elect would be deceived...? Meanwhile around the world our brothers and sisters are being executed for their commitment to Jesus. Such devotion. Everything in this world being taken from them and still they do no waiver. No Your Best Life Now, No Everyday A Friday, No, personal happiness - but I can guarantee that they have more joy than most American Christians could even dream of having because they KNOW the real, true Jesus. The Jesus Who gave them NEW lives, REAL change, TRUE freedom and ETERNAL prosperity . The Jesus Who will not be ashamed to call them HIS very own. I pray for this country of mine. I pray that Christians everywhere would wake up and finally say ENOUGH! Enough with the playing church and the me, me, me mentality. Jesus is coming back for a pure bride. One adorned in HIS righteousness alone. Its about time the church get her oil supply replenished, trim her wicks, and stand ready in waiting...before its too late.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 21:18:57 +0000

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