Our next president: 1) Must be able to add, subtract, multiply, - TopicsExpress


Our next president: 1) Must be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. 2) Must immediately stop all unnecessary government spending, stop Quantitative Easing, which is just a polite way of referring to the government propping up Wall Street by printing 85 billion per month in phony money, and work toward implementing a Balanced Budget Amendment. 3) Must restore the work requirements and drug testing for welfare recipients, take steps to root out rampant fraud and abuse, and cancel all giveaways like Obamaphones. 4) Must be willing to abandon the imperial presidency put forth by this administration, and restore the balance of powers. 5) Must completely repeal Obamacare, restore the free market in health insurance, implement new cost-saving ideas, like the ability to buy and sell health insurance across state lines, healthcare savings accounts for young people, healthcare co-ops, and self-insurance plans for employers and organizations, and must eliminate the federal healthcare bureaucracy. The original 30 million uninsured, who will still be uninsured, even after the implementation of Obamacare, should be offered Medicaid. 6) Must begin a systematic investigation of the crimes and excesses of this administration, including Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS targeting of conservative groups, and many others. 7) Must immediately restore standard rules of engagement in the military, and root out the anti-Christian and anti-American elements in the military. 8) Immediately secure our borders, and enforce existing immigration laws regarding employment, welfare, healthcare, and other benefits. 9) Help elect new senators, representatives, and governors who will take a term limit pledge, agreeing to serve only 12 years; two terms for Senators, 6 for representatives. 10) Stop all hiring by the federal government. No “czars” or other unelected cabinet officials other than those generally regarded as necessary, operate all departments of all branches of government at the lowest staffing levels possible, end lifetime pensions for all elected officials, and eliminate zero baseline budgeting forever. The only way a department should be able to spend more next year is if they manage their budget properly, and Congress appropriates more funds.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Nov 2013 03:21:42 +0000

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