Our obedience to Gods commands is the expression of trusting - TopicsExpress


Our obedience to Gods commands is the expression of trusting Christ. It is not our words but our deeds that stand the test of Christs gaze. Love of Jesus is measured by obedience to what he commands (John 14:15 and 15:14). He who has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me (John 14:21). Not even miracles can substitute for doing what God commands (Matt. 7:22). The moral absolutes rest upon God’s character. The moral commands He has given to men are an expression of His character. Men as created in His image are to live by choice on the basis of what God is. The standards of morality are determined by what conforms to His character, while those things which do not conform are immoral. Every syllable of every statute, every clause of every commandment that ever proceeded from the mouth of God was divinely designed to bring those who would obey into the greatest imaginable happiness of heart. Don’t swallow God’s law like castor oil. For when you understand His intent, it will be like honey on your lips and sweetness to your soul. Remember the laws of God are not simply external statutes published and passed by some congress in heaven; rather, the laws of God reflect His very character. They are an expression of God Himself. So to break any of God’s laws is to live against God. It is to live contrary to Him. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. God Bless.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 12:13:20 +0000

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