Our own soldiers, coming stateside, were treated the worst. They - TopicsExpress


Our own soldiers, coming stateside, were treated the worst. They had to deal with an entire universe of problems. They were permanently altered in a physical way or mental way. They needed money to survive, to keep their families together. The time it took to file claims for medical and financial help was criminal. After a time, I concluded that there was no other way, no method to internalize, so I may externalize, the experience of a wounded veteran. I had to go one on one. It could not be some sanitized interview. I could not hold back on what I wanted, what I needed, for this trial. The risk was going to be on the soldier, or so I thought. New wounds would be opened when I punished them, how ironic, with questions, pushed them, ripped them open to get inside with them, to learn to feel the pain, only to find my way out and leave them with a fresh wound. It wasn’t fair to them. But it was required. I began hating myself more and more as I would do anything to anyone to get to the total brutal truth. I made a mental commitment to myself that I would challenge these soldiers, whether they were in a hospital rehab, psychiatric ward or at home, ribbons or no ribbons; that I would challenge their judgment, their decision to enter this unjust war. Yes, I wanted to punish them for going to war. They were just as guilty as the bush cabal. They bought the bullshit. How stupid could they be? Without soldiers, warriors, people would not be killed. I was hoping to cherry pick who would be questioned. I wanted, I desired and even lay awake at night and fantasized about grilling those bastards in the apache helicopters who cut down innocent civilians, and in the one famous case caught on tape, thanks to private manning, about their motives, patriotism and if they would do it all over again. You know god damned well they would. But most of those bastards probably were promoted and didn’t suffer the wounds of the soldiers in the trenches. Isn’t that the case in most wars? But if I could, I would play those tapes of them slicing civilians from a distance, the ultimate cowards that they were; I would sugest they shove their war decorations up their ass. Can you imagine, in the 21st century, we give awards, ribbons and medals to our people who murder other people? WTF.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 15:26:32 +0000

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