Our party politics is at its peak these days but at its peak for - TopicsExpress


Our party politics is at its peak these days but at its peak for nonsensical reasons. I once said it and I will reiterate that if you are in politics and belong to a faction then you need to get your head examined. Bootlicking makes you a Political Nonentity,you will not last the race that I tell you.Be your own man in this so dirty game. I now turn to the Themba Mliswa drama in Mash West,whilst I had respect for Mliswa all along I now find it unfortunate that he openly attacked fellow party leaders and I for one am awaiting for substantiated accusations failure of which he should be disciplined for such actions,he should be suspended from the party without second thought because this kind of behaviour is unacceptable unless authenticated. I have known Cde Patrick Zhuwao and Cde Saviour Kasukuwere for a very long time and these accusations against them come as a shock,how will they gain the pples respect now after such defaming accusations? We have to do everything in line with party constitution Cde Mliswa should have known better since he is a provincial leader. Lastly those fanning factionalism should be dismissed from the party they stand yo destroy our future with their rebellious attitude.If you are involved then it means you are anti Zanu Pf.Ndaneta nemaFactionalist ini zvangu. Pamberi neZanu Pf pasi nemaFactionalist tendencies. Ndini wenyu Cde Setfree Mafukidze
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 08:24:36 +0000

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