Our people before Columbus. Before the taking of land as - TopicsExpress


Our people before Columbus. Before the taking of land as ownership. Before Pratt and his Boarding schools that killed the children. Before the forced movement onto concentration camps that was more conveniently termed reservations. Before the blankets given to our people that were infected with smallpox. Before the Phipps Proclamation that put bounties on the scalps (redskins) of our people including women and children. Before the poisoning of our leaders at Peace conferences held by the United States. Before Christians came and labeled themselves saviors and stole the children. Before President Lincoln comitted the first mass execution of which our people were the victims. Before the death of thousands of our people who were forced marched from their homelands in what was to be called the Trail of Tears. Before our people were put in cages like animals and paraded around in Circuss for nothing more than European amusement. Before many of our people were forcibly institutionalized for being different never to be seen again. Before the Europeans. Before the United States Government. Sadly, there is much more. I, WE, dont need to GET OVER ANYTHING!!! JUST SIMPLY ACKNOWLEDGE OUR EXISTANCE. ACKNOWLEDGE THESE THINGS HAPPENNED. ACKNOWLEDGE THE WRONG COMITTED. ACKNOWLEDGE THE WRONG STILL BEING COMITTED TODAY.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 19:39:11 +0000

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