Our problems in the struggle can be narrowed down to very very few - TopicsExpress


Our problems in the struggle can be narrowed down to very very few confused, self-serving, vitriolic, vindictive and very very contradictory individuals! You can never pin down these folks on anything policy-matters, workable funding suggestions, nor get them to fill in on leadership vacuums the struggle is so much in dire need for. Left to these folks alone, when you engage them online, it seems the art of typing from a keyboard contributing on a post/forum constantly and excessively solves all the problems of Gambia. Wherever solutions are needed, meh-less - no where to be found! Thats when schedule conflicts are made public. Type some nonsense and tag someones name you know nothing about - viola - that solves a Gambians daily battles with Nawec. Type something sillier - viola - that removes Jammeh out of office or lowers high interest bank rates currently threatening Gambian businesses on the ground! The art of perfecting hallucination on a post that targets genuine folks gaining the respect of many mainly for their reputable work everyone benefits from - voila - that makes Jammeh increase stagnant salaries for daily survival of the same Gambians they vilify. Saga Ndeyi someone to show how inflatable your chest can quickly rise and fall - viola - that fills the hospitals with medicine or sends tractors to farmers willing to try. It seems they wake up every morning chipping away more from the struggle than putting anything in! Always looking to start trouble they have no skill managing. They take up positions of populism that rings like music to the ear of the non thinker designed to wallow on a like fest mainly for self therapy more often than take positions of principle that benefits all, but lo and behold when availed the opportunity to define a Gambia where they have to lead it, you are left to quickly make a decision to stick with the current Gambia you know under Jammeh. Their arguments on controversial posts are so vague, the least - so cloudy, contradictory, short sighted, zero solution-oriented, achieves nothing even after 200+ comments, mainly sending a very clear message to whomever has the time to read, that they own the struggle and that the struggle must be waged on their moral principles only and no one elses stands a chance! When again given the choice to be principled, they are quick to show you whom they really are unconsciously or when they think no one is looking or piecing together their unproven philosophies, hence always leaving you in awe! Majority of the time scratching your forehead. Ask them what they wouldve done when placed exactly in the position of those they want on their plates for dinner! You are left to slowly piece out together that they have the potential to be worst, at best not willing to sacrifice nada compared to the one currently on the ground dealing with the wrath of Jammeh and a system they have no chance of being a hero. If you are lucky to probe further and carefully, you find yourself gravitating towards respecting those facing the wrath of Jammeh directly on the ground daily than some here tanhal ling everyone. Ask them who designed or voted on the policy they use to hold others accountable? - what they produce tells you all you suspected. The evidence is ample on facebook. They make this struggle twice as long in duration, three times as unconvincing to fight along with, four times as hard to achieve anything with, five times the likelihood to get you or leave you depressed or someone you know if yall are not level headed and finally 10 times the potentials to be worst than Jammeh, if they ever had grip to power! If some of these folks believe Gambians on the ground are stupid, they have a very rude awaken coming! Will add one more regimen to my prayers; In the effort to remove Jammeh out of office, I pray and hope that; that office someday falls under the leadership of a Gambian whom FINALLY GETS IT! Not in the hands of such folks I highlight today! A no BULLS#%T Gambian too. One resourceful and tough minded enough to readily reject and take on such folks when presented the false choice of whether to appease them dividing the country much further or tell them to jerk off and recognize the need to be on the right side of history that requires him/her to piece the country together. One who has the blessings to rise above the fray seeking to always understand the priorities that lay ahead - acting from a holistic perspective and not a narrow one propelled by anger - understanding as well how fractured and fragile our country has become, but focuses more on how to mend/piece it together! One who understands for Gambia to do well, such performance must be tied to the future of our youths and must be kept alive and well embedded on a foundation that enables them to compete within and outside the borders of Gambia. One whom can be trusted with the future and lives of our aging parents and grandparents. One whom has zero tolerance for policies designed to thrive only along tribal or party lines. A Gambian too, whose goal will be to quickly get to the bottom of things swiftly but under the rule of law, and separated but functional government, however, as well ensure an ounce of the Gambains rights remains in tact and CANNOT be violated! Thanks to those that are fighting in this struggle genuinely making it easier to lift the spirits of others and as well attempting to get the job done but simultaneous mustering the courage to find it somewhere in them, ushering in glimmers of hope when needed. Instead of just simply tagging along with limited brain function - again tang - hal ling everyone every day with zero solutions to progress the struggle but evidently rather prefers and ensures it earns zero respect and admiration, thanks to them - please match the efforts of DUGA or at least that fisherman in Gambia whom despite all odds - wakes up daily ensuring his net continues to make a difference when fish is needed at the market! At least he keeps Gambians alive! Aimlessly behind keyboards or microphones never gets fish to market nor lowers interest rates for Gambian businesses! How are you matching this fishermans efforts for a better Gambia should be a question you ask yourself daily and hopefully the reason you sit behind a microphone or keyboard doing your part! Please lay it on the table for the rest of us to understand!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 17:15:53 +0000

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