Our ramshackle army of scattered amateurs has beaten the bejeebers - TopicsExpress


Our ramshackle army of scattered amateurs has beaten the bejeebers out of a combination of mighty corporations and powerful governments with endless resources. And THEY are on the defensive and they are panicking and we are winning. Part of it is because we have the shining beacons of truth and evidence and all THEY have is murky, stinking bullshit. But, we are also winning because we have so many very remarkable people who are both dedicated and knowledgeable. Each of these inspires and teaches at least a dozen more and we are not only growing in numbers, but in expertise. Of course, there are hiccups, and undoubtedly we have some nutters amongst us, but they are a tiny fraction of our movement. In fact they are a much smaller proportion of our movement than they were in CND, the Vietnam Protesters, the Anti-Apartheid Movement, the Cruise Missile Activists and the Miners Strike and the Poll Tax Protesters. We had many more factions, splinter groups and unpredictable, violent colleagues and we spent more time fighting amongst ourselves than against our proper targets. As I said, we have a few, but they are easily subsumed into the unified purpose of the many. I believe its because of this marvellous tool, the internet. In other movements, we were all separated by distance, by age and by differing experiences. But, when I look at Australian, American, NZ, South African, Irish, British, Romanian sites and all the other nations sites around this vast world of ours, I see unity of purpose and a consistency we never had before. Lessons learned in one camp are transmitted with pictures and videos instantly from country to country. Tactics that worked are tried out on the other side of the world on that same day. Evidence of harm done is shared with incredible speed and, if anyone gets something wrong, a more expert person corrects and strengthens it within minutes. We are doing so well, that we are becoming impatient for ever quicker victories. Those of us who recall the loneliness of the early days, when we seemed to be one of a few who could see an obvious danger, are exhilarated by our increasing numbers and our growing victories. Hang on tight folks, the victories are going to be coming at us even faster, and this is only the first battle of the longer war against all the things that are wrong with the corrupt relationship between business, politics and the media. We have to design and plan and implement a whole new way of thinking and living here on our shared planet - and we should be ready to be taught how that new way should look, by those who are children now. We are tarred with the old ways even as we fight against them. Young people have the skills and the vision and the freshness to think up new ways. If they dont do differently from us and do it better, then we truly are all doomed. But, I think they will make a world that we have only glimpsed in our dreams. I hope so!
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 01:14:31 +0000

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