Our relationship with Jesus is so important... Why? Because its - TopicsExpress


Our relationship with Jesus is so important... Why? Because its from our relationship with Christ everything else flows... Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Our marriage, finances, job, mental status, spiritual status, health all that we are comes from our willingness to set our own agenda aside and seek Jesus first... The more you put other things before The Lord the more loss you will suffer believe me I know first hand... David Guzik made this statement about this verse... But seek first the kingdom of God: This must be the rule of our life when ordering our priorities. Yet it is wrong to think that this is just another priority to fit onto our list of priorities - and to put at the top. Instead, in everything we do, we seek first the kingdom of God. For example, we rarely have to choose between honoring God and loving our wives or being good workers. We honor God and seek first the kingdom of God by being good husbands and good workers. We should also remember this statement in its immediate context. Jesus reminds us that our physical well-being is not a worthy object to devote our lives unto. If you think it is worthy that your god is mammon, then your life is cursed with worry, and you live life too much like an animal, concerned mostly with physical needs. Jesus didnt just tell them to stop worrying; He told them to replace worry with a concern for the kingdom of God. A habit or a passion can only be given up for a greater habit or passion. What this verse demands is, therefore, a commitment to find and to do the will of God, to ally oneself totally with his purpose. And this commitment must come first. (France) And all these things shall be added to you: If you put Gods kingdom first, and do not think that your physical well-being is a worthy object to live your life for, you then may enjoy all these things. He promises heavenly treasure, rest in divine provision, and fulfillment of Gods highest purpose for man - fellowship with Him, and being part of His kingdom. This choice - to seek first the kingdom of God - is the fundamental choice everyone makes when they first repent and are converted. Yet every day after that, our Christian life will either reinforce that decision or deny it.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 11:32:28 +0000

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