Our sweet angel turned 15 months today! Last year at this time I - TopicsExpress


Our sweet angel turned 15 months today! Last year at this time I had just returned to work from maternity leave and was trying to get into the new routine with daycare, work, mom and wife life. I remember how difficult it was to leave him at daycare - everyday it was difficult. I also remember how horrible I felt after CJ was diagnosed about leaving him at all. I beat myself up over that for months, thinking Id lost such valuable time with him, those two months back to work just didnt seem worth it when I was faced with the fact that he had cancer. Now, with the changes and sacrifices my husband has made for us I can stay home with my precious baby and soak up every moment! Im certainly blessed and thankful to have this opportunity and I wouldnt trade it for the world. Weve changed for sure, cancer has changed our lives forever - we notice things we never noticed before, we reach out to strangers when we may have kept to our own business before, we look to help others more, and its because so many reached out to us - so many of you. We saw how beautiful humanity can be; we witnessed the weight faith can bear; and we believed - we believed in the miracle of Christ. Im thankful for the blessing of change - I pray God continues to change our hearts and minds to better serve Him! Pictures are getting more and more difficult with my rambunctious little man - sitting still is seriously not an option right now! How wonderful is that! Praise God! Heres a little clip of CJ bumper bashing down the hall and jamming to his little tunes! Im worried hes gonna give himself whiplash! Ha
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 03:52:16 +0000

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