Our telephone ringer should get to cool off for at least a week or - TopicsExpress


Our telephone ringer should get to cool off for at least a week or so now that the elections are over. The Face Book news feed should also clear up with out all the vote for so and so people posts. Might actually enjoy some peace for a week or so. Some one better create a catastrophe somewhere though or the TV news channels arent going to know what to report on. Since the cooler weather is slowly starting to settle in here, Daisy and I have slowly been cleaning up the garage. I move in there and off the porch when it gets colder. We had really let it get piled up. We had moved a lot of stuff out of the attic not too long ago and have to either get rid of some of it, or figure someplace else to put it. I have at least cleared out enough of an area already so that I can get to my desk and the TV out there at least in case of an emergency, just in case a unsuspected cold spell hits us. We will have to start moving some of Daisys more temperature sensitive plants from outside on to our back porch before long, then the porch will look like the garage does now, for the rest of the winter. There was a time, that we could put them in the shed, but it is too full now. Dang, I dont know how we accumulate so much stuff. I wonder just how many megabytes of RAM there are in the human brain? It is too bad that some people cant just have some more added for a small fee, like we do computers.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 13:04:43 +0000

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