Our vision and mission From times immemorial charity is one of - TopicsExpress


Our vision and mission From times immemorial charity is one of the most highly acclaimed and socially responsible activities. Charity-giving – is an act of the highest rank of humanity, morality and spiritual welfare of the mankind and every single person individually. It is not a coincidence that civilized societies develop and popularize charity worldwide. That is a normal and positive social evolution. In the 21st century mankind has changed driven by economic and political events that multiplied by enormous technological breakthrough resulted in growth of individual ignorance and substitution of personal relations by social networking, mobile phones and other remote means of communication. Compassion and mercy became outstanding qualities of a contemporary individual that lead to overall decay of the institution of charity we have witnessed a couple of decades ago. Contemporary life is fast and full of changes so people concentrate on their jobs and personal lives and have no time to take a look around. Sad but simple "thank you" is no longer a motivation in doing a free and good deed. As you may know commercial organizations that support charity programs worldwide always receive taxation benefits from the government that motivate their charitable activity. On the contrary individual charity giving always stays unnoticed under the shade of prudent commercial charitable giants. Obviously the society needs new motivation for individual benefactors. Do you know how much money is spent on individual charity annually? More than 100 000 000 000 USD. And we know how to draw a couple of digits to this amount. We have created a unique self-stimulated programme that has only one purpose: to join people’s efforts aspired by their common desire to help each other. This programme’s concept is based on the Golden Rule: «One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself». Acting as a benefactor in Gold Line a person becomes a beneficiary as well. Donation and financial aid giving becomes the cause of financial aid receiving. This personal motivation together with sincere and free will to help people around and those who are in need in particular are the two ultimate joint forces that promote charity and make more good deeds happen on our planet! mirvsem1.glclub.pro
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 16:05:05 +0000

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