Our visit to the 911 Memorial in NY...... Truly a heart wrenching, - TopicsExpress


Our visit to the 911 Memorial in NY...... Truly a heart wrenching, painful reality. There are quotes all over the museum walls and the one that hit me the hardest was from a woman witnessing people jumping from the building....she said as horrifying as it was, out of respect for those people she could not turn away. I dont remember her exact words but I understood her meaning. She wanted them to know she was with them as they decided their only way out was to end their lives in this way.....and she needed to let them know they were not alone. I cried thru most of it, some things made me sob out loud..... If you have not been there yet, do yourself a favor and go. I feel like I paid my respect now after all these years. I touched the cross at ground zero and said a prayer. God bless all whose lives were ended in a terrible act of hate..... I will never forget....
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 15:40:36 +0000

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