Out My Write Mind A Quiet Bedside Moment with My Mildred - TopicsExpress


Out My Write Mind A Quiet Bedside Moment with My Mildred (unedited...naME journaling) Sitting on the floor bedside to my 97 year old grandmother. Her naME is Mildred. Quiet Strength gave birth to the firebrand. Feeling the prose and poetics of our relationship. She is my perfect Grand-mother. She too is strong, resilient, intuitive, mindful, willful, generous, and kind. She was my nurturer. She is the reason I read early, drilling into me the importance of getting my studies. My first teacher, she taught me how to write my naME. And how to be courteous and give generously my yes pleases and no thank yous and and GOoD-thinking. They all come through her. God, take GOoD care of her. Be slow and gentle with our time. Love be patient. Love be ever so kind. Shes raised and tamed so many of us, hers and others, making sure we all have and had what we need and needed to move forward. Advisor and intercessor of a wealth of knowledge, she pushed and pulled us grand-babies through college. ... Wrapped up in fluffy, cream. Too thought-filled to dream. Im thrown. Scattered among our 46 years, 5 months, and 4 days, 8 hours, and 8 minutes of my life. Im not counting the time left, gone, or to be. It is the presence of this gift called the present. The clock in the bathroom keeps time enough with its tick and tocks. The seconds and minutes into the next year or century if lucky. Remaining. Crying. Being brave. Praying. For gentle strength with streams of happy tears caressing my face comfort me. I have the deepest of Grand-Love dripping from my chin...landing on my heart. Hiding bedside, so no one sees me cry. Silently I sniffle. Sinuses clog and stifle the whiffs of what I know to come. I know it will come. I always know when it comes. Nature is always telling. Like The smelling of rain. The seeing of leaves change. The animals running up to higher plains. Nature be gentle. Nature be quiet. Nature be beautiful. Nature be harmony. Be wise. Be peace. Be loving-kind. ... Listening to the quietness of her clear and steady breaths. Inhale...Exhale... In...Ex... All hail to the haling of her winds and her quiet strength. Mildred...quiet strength and gentle advisor.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 16:07:52 +0000

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