Out On The Pike Thursday, January 30, 2014. Thursday. Ive - TopicsExpress


Out On The Pike Thursday, January 30, 2014. Thursday. Ive always like Thursday. It has always seemed like a relaxed day to me. Its comfortable, like slipping on a favorite pair of jeans. It gives you that feeling of confidence that you will be able to deal with the day just fine and moving into Friday will be a breeze. This day began early. Ive been up since two this morning and I never did get back to sleep. So here I am drinking copy and typing random thoughts. That is part of what keeps me awake at night, a continuous flow of random thoughts when my brain starts talking to itself and will not shut up. Its either that or nightmares. Never pleasant dreams, its always nightmares. At two thirty this morning Cookie decided that she needed to go outside. I sat up on the side of the bed to take her out and Ma did the same thing at the same time. Ma said she had her which I assumed meant she wanted a couple drags off of a night time cigarette. She does that sometimes. When Ma came back to in the bedroom she fell promptly fell asleep. How does it one do that? After that a flood of cats came into the room insisting that I get up and feed them. I told them to shut up and lay down. They did exactly that, right on top of me. Yeah, thats when I got out of bed. From the porch: Sorry folks, Im not going out there. The weather service says its 14f/-10c but the thermometer on the porch says that it is 11f out there. There is a mild wind, maybe a couple of miles an hour blowing and everything remains frozen. There interstate is doing the normal morning rush traffic and the pike is quiet. Plans for the day: The daily routine that we always do. One small addition is taking the trash out this evening for early morning pick up tomorrow. Everything else was taken care of yesterday I think. If there is anything else that Ma is going to have to remind me. Books and movies: Same thing on the books, no changes there. We watched the movie “Captain Phillips.” Tom Hanks played the part of the captain. I think Tom Hanks is a brilliant actor and he is one of my and Marys favorites, but not everything he makes is good. This was one of them. I thought the movie was exceedingly boring until perhaps the last thirty to forty minutes. At that point a lot of the footage looked like it was taken straight out of the documentary we had watched which we enjoyed a lot more. Now, to be fair, I wasnt feeling good yesterday and only a bit better today. I still wouldnt watch the movie again. We are stranded here at the house again today and Im beginning to get cabin fever. Being cooped up drives me crazy. I hate being isolated or confined. I had our son take the car to work again this morning. His plan was to take his care because it was going to be twenty degrees today. I talked him out of it and let him use our car so he could be warm. Well I think thats all there is today. I need to get another cup of coffee and eat something. Then I guess Ma will tell me what she has on the agenda for the day. Hopefully well be up to it. Oh, I almost forgot! Music: Im going to listen to, and post, music that I like. If you like it, good, if not, find something else to listen too! May you have a wonderful day filled with some delightful happenings! Peace and blessings be with you! Namaste
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 11:18:59 +0000

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