Out of curiosity, how many of you have done the dune climb at - TopicsExpress


Out of curiosity, how many of you have done the dune climb at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore? Its a sand prominence that rises out of Lake Michigan at a 20° angle, and keeps going up and up for 260 feet (2 ½ times higher than the highest sand dune along the entire Atlantic Shore. And I decided it was not an opportunity to be missed! Sort of. Going down the sand dune was easy. Some people actually have pretty good success with running down the hill. But coming up? Whoa! With each step, your front foot slides back probably 80-90% of the distance you just went. In other words, it felt like trying climb up the worlds tallest down escalator, except your feet are sliding backwards the entire time! Fortunately I heeded the warnings from people coming up (as I crossed paths with them while coming down). I decided to only go down the hill about half way (although on a hill that big and that steep, perspective and distance lost all meaning), and even then it took me over a half-hour to scamper back up.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 21:06:27 +0000

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