Out of the brothers I grew up with, obviously we grew up in a - TopicsExpress


Out of the brothers I grew up with, obviously we grew up in a mixed Asian/White area where in schools there was always conflicts, it was inevitable, but Id say the more we grew up 50% of us became friendly to the Muslim community and the other 50% became hostile to the Muslim community... There were always those few individuals that really didnt get on with the Asians, yesterday and today I have spoken with one of those brothers who I wont mention because its not my style to name people on Facebook, who I can tell you now if I mentioned his name amongst Muslims or non-Muslims you would get a negative response, he was just that type of character. I started noticing a change in him when he was talking about his passions and things he wants to do instead of being who hes been and I started asking myself Wow, is this even the same guy I knew? then within the last 3 days he came to me and asked about Islam and questions that were genuine and asking about knowledge on what the British and American governments (Israel also) have been doing and how he feels for those Muslims who are suffering at the hand of injustice, now Im super shocked (*******) showing compassion and mercy to Muslims O.o wow.... he starts asking me to teach him about Islam, Im showing him lectures of Islam and its having some kind of impact on him, like straight up now I myself Im getting on a emotional level because if I actually did mention his name which I wont because its not something I want to do because I want him to make the choice on his own, but If I mentioned his name the young Muslims who knew him from around here would break out in Takbeer and the non-Muslims who dont like Islam would be in a state of shock... Even if he didnt ever revert to Islam just the compassion and change in character I have seen from him is enough to earn my respect.. Its true what Umar Ibn khattab said Sometimes those with the worst past create the best future Inshallah I hope he finds his way regardless of his choice ameen
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 19:10:44 +0000

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