...Out of the dust you came & to the dust you will return. - TopicsExpress


...Out of the dust you came & to the dust you will return. youtu.be/asBu832v0rc Adam Spears; 1 week ago What is the difference between a magnetosphere & an ionoshere? Ill use Earth as an example to answer this question. Earths magnetosphere is produced by its outer core. Inside Earth is a dynamo. This is what destinguishes a living planet from a dead one. The dynamo in Earth is its beating heart. It produces magnetic lines of flux that extend out into space & tie in to its magnetic north & south poles. Without Earths dynamo & the magnetoshere, there could not be any life on this planet. The dynamo is Earths beating heart. & The magnetoshere is kind of like Earths aura. Just as humans have shakras, so too has Earth its shakras. The magnetoshere as well as the ionosphere are just 2 of Earths shakras. So then, what is the ionoshere? The ionophere is also called the plasmasphere, because thats exactly what it is...plasma. Plasma is a fourth phase of matter. It is basically, thermally, a super-heated gas; & has a significant amount of electromagnetic interaction with nature. The more active layer of the ionosphere is about 150 miles above Earths surface & is a result of a magnetoshere that is constantly excited by the combination of both cosmic & localized (in Earths case, the Sun) electromagnetic radiation. These sources of radiation acting upon a magnetoshere form a bubble & a force-field around Earth. This bubble is made up of charged particles, many of which are free electrons (this is why its also called a plasmasphere). The ionosphere is Earths exo-electrical system. Without it, Earth would not be able to have positive & negative charges; static build up & static discharge. & so there would be no electromagnetic phenomena inside Earth, on its surface, throughout its atmophere, or any electromagnet interactions with the space & Heavenly bodies in the universe. The ionoshere serves many purposes. But it really is a driving components that makes Earth a dynamic planet in this universe. The ionosphere has a tail that always points away from Sun because of the solar wind of Sun. The ionosphere also has many distinct layers. During the day, some layers may separate; & at night they combine to make 1 big layer. The outer region of Earyhs ionosphere, the F layer, does this. The Earths ionosphere offers a lot of advantages concerning trans-atlantic communication transmission. Typically, the curvature of Earth works against sending a radio transmission from one side of the globe to the other. However, High Frequency (HF), or short wave radio as its also called, will actually use the free electrons in Earths ionosphere to transmit a radio signal around the curvature of the Earth! In a nut-shell, this is how it works: Every radio wave has an electric field. The electric field of the radio wave is what actually carries a bit of information from a transmitter to a reciever. The higher the frequency of the radio wave, the shorter the wave length of the radio wave is. The higher the frequecy & shorter the wave length, the more energy the radio wave will have...in other words, its electric field will posses a greater potential. Short wave (HF) radio has a strong enough electric field that it causes the free electrons in Earths ionosphere to oscillate in tune with the radio wave! So this region around Earth becomes a big, information carrying, radio wave! The very medium that the initial radio wave is propagated through; essentially becomes the carrier wave of the radio signal! So this nature of electromagnetism will allow information to be transmitted vast distances around the globe, inspite of the curvature of the Earth. Really, the curvature of the Earth in this scenario is helping to transmit the signal. With other, lower frequencies of radio the Earths curvature would pose a problem for trans-atlantic communication. Marconi, did exactly this with HF radio. He propagated his radio wave by use a high voltage spark gap. The high voltage arc of electricity propagates a radio wave at a certain desired & calculated frequency within the band width of HF radio. & Marconis device utilized Earths ionosphere to send the first trans-atlantic radio signal of 3 quick pulses; which is the letter S in morse code. Amazing! When you understand the basic principals behind electromagnetic radiation, it gives you an appreciation for nature as a whole. & yes, Earth is alive & has shakras. We are an extension of a living entity we call Earth. ...Out of the dust you came & to the dust you will return.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 19:31:02 +0000

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