Out of this whole Hayne thing, this is the most honest assessment - TopicsExpress


Out of this whole Hayne thing, this is the most honest assessment I have seen... Huge shout out to the Eels front row forum member who wrote it..... I’m old enough to be Hayne’s father and if he came to me for advice and said “Dad I’ve had a secret training session in the US and had some skill tests and went really well. I’m going to tell you something. You know I always have loved gridiron and now I want to chase my dreams. I also love it so much more than FIFA. I always get highest score on PlayStation and I have seen plenty of YouTube Videos. I Know Im 26 but Im a fast learner, I’m gonna quit and play NFL.” Me: ”Son, you are the best player in the NRL. The Eels have just offered you $7 Million over 5 years. Why take such a gamble? You are about to become the highest paid player in the NRL. This took many months of negotiation with sponsors and decisions were made on overall recruitment to get to this point. The Eels want you for life. They respect you. The fans adore you. They have improved out of sight under Arthur. You still have unfinished business. I think you will win a premiership with them before you retire. They are relying on you and the timing isn’t right for you to leave, you will leave them in the lurch for 2015 and they will probably go backwards and have to rebuild again. Choc wants to come because you are there. Others will also follow. The team revolves around you, you are also the Captain. Son, you are also actually under contract which is like a promise, a little like the one that you keep saying you have made with God. It works both ways you know.” Hayne: “But dad I want to chase my dreams. I’m the man, I’m spent with League, I’ve done everything in the game, winning the comp isn’t everything. It’s all about the journey.” Me: “I know son, it’s always been about you and it pains me to realise this now.”
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 09:44:57 +0000

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