Outback Hearts Excerpt Sorry if its too long, but I wanted to - TopicsExpress


Outback Hearts Excerpt Sorry if its too long, but I wanted to give you a feel for both Alex and Sammi here. :) Sam went to sit at one of the tables until they had to load up the bus. As she was walking toward a table she saw Henry approaching her. Sam veered a bit to meet him. She’d liked the gruff cowboy. He’d made the first day of mucking out the stables pretty fun. Sam put her hands in her back pockets as they approached each other. “Hey, Sammi!” Henry said with a drawl. “You look like shit,” he continued with no remorse. Sam laughed as she was sure he meant her to. “Thanks, you sure know how to soothe my ego a bit.” “No, really, you look worn to the bone. What time you finished up today?” he asked her. “You’ll never guess.” Sammi grinned up at him, avoiding directly answering his question. Henry raised his brows while waiting expectantly for her to answer. “Let’s just say I’m starving because I didn’t make dinner,” Sam told him with a grin, not about to go into the details about why she hadn’t gotten to eat. Henry put his head back and laughed. “Damn, that’s bad luck! Why’d it take so long?” Sam’s smile dimmed a bit. Not wanting to answer him, she skirted around his question and instead simply said, “I’ll be glad not to see another barn for a while.” She ran her hand through her hair, brushing it back off her face. Henry suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist. “Wha…” Sam got out as she flinched in surprise. What did she really know about this cowboy after all? Alex watched Sammi out of the corner of his eye as the other women said their goodbyes. He didn’t know why it bothered him to see her smile at one of the cowboys, but he knew he was irritated. His mood only grew worse when he saw the cowboy throw his head back and laugh at something Sammi said. He’d just finished saying the correct meaningless goodbye words to Kiki when he saw the ranch hand grab Sammi by the wrist. Without a second thought he was striding across the yard to where Sammi stood. “What in the hell did you do?!?” Henry rasped as he turned Sam’s hand over to look at her palm. Sam tried to tug her hand away from him. “Let me go,” Sam said firmly. Henry gripped her wrist even more firmly. “Not until you explain this,” Henry said gruffly, trying to pull her toward him so he could get a better look at her palm. “She said to let go of her,” a deep voice said from behind them. Henry dropped her hand and they both turned to see Alex standing a few feet from them. “You okay?” he asked Sam, shifting so his body was between her and the cowboy. Alex didn’t know what was going on, but he wasn’t going to allow this guy to touch her without her permission again. Alex didn’t even take the time to think about what he just thought. He’d never been the possessive, alpha type, but Sammi somehow brought it out in him. Sam tucked her hand back in her jeans pocket and said, “Yup, I’ve got to get on the bus…” “You won’t until I find out what the hell just happened here,” Alex told her with a glare. He turned his eyes to Henry. “If you want to keep your job you’d better start explaining.” Henry answered immediately and calmly, “She’s hurt, I was trying to look at her hand.” He’d seen Alex around a bit and knew that his bark was worse than his bite. Suppressing a smile, knowing that this woman seemed to have gotten under his skin, he nodded at Sam and said, “Look for yourself.” Both men turned to see Sam backing away from them, hands still out of sight. “They’re all waiting for me…I have to go,” she stammered, almost tripping over herself trying to get away. “It was nice to meet you, Henry,” Sam said, still backing away. Alex came toward her as if he was a predator stalking his prey. “Give me your hand,” he ordered, holding out his own. “It’s not a big deal, Al,” Sam tried to explain, “it’s just a blister from working today, I’m sure that all the others have them too…” Alex stepped close enough to take her by the upper arm and stop her retreat. “It’s a bit more than that, hon,” Henry said. “I’ll leave you to deal with her,” he told Al as he turned around to go back to the barn. “Damn,” Sam muttered under her breath, not believing how Henry had thrown her under the proverbial bus when it came to Alex. “You know you’re going to make my life miserable by giving me this attention, don’t you?” Sam tried to reason with Alex. “They’re okay, it’s not life threatening. Just let me go…please?” “I can’t let you go knowing that you might be hurt,” Alex told her honestly. “What kind of man would I be if I just let you walk away right now knowing you were in pain and I didn’t do anything about it?” Alex stared into Sammi’s eyes, trying desperately to make her understand that he wanted to help her, that he needed to help her.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 22:25:10 +0000

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