Outstanding talk on the Rwanda criminal tribunal I commend this - TopicsExpress


Outstanding talk on the Rwanda criminal tribunal I commend this video of Chris Blacks talk entitled The Criminalization of International Justice to anyone grappling with the politicized nature of recent international criminal tribunals. They are purely political and created for Western imperialisms propaganda purposes. They are far different than, say, the Nuremberg tribunals in 1948, where some justice was meted out to Nazi war criminals because of truly massive anti-fascist feelings at the time. (Many Nazi war criminals in Western countries were never bothered with such tribunals, living full, trouble-free lives, hired as spies or re-establishing themselves in prominent positions in Western society.) As Chris makes clear, these tribunals are a travesty of legal procedure and fairness. Chris talk is a superb exposé of the criminality of the legal authorities and their political masters in the West. Its all there - threats, bribes for false testimony, suspicious death, fake evidence, missing clients, interference by patron states, etc. The talk took place Sept. 26/ 14 at a meeting with the theme PREVENTING WORLD WAR THROUGH GLOBAL SOLIDARITY: 100 YEARS ON on the God-forsaken island of Rhodes, an initiative of the World Public Forum. Now that the still-strongest bloc of imperialist nations is creating another global conflict in one form or another, the entire foreign policy of these states is based on the most dangerous deception and the mutilation of all forms of international law. Chris touches on Yugoslavia at the beginning of his talk, but the information concerning Rwanda reveal the stench of a system relying on anything but truth or justice. This is an outstanding talk. The information, including about the fake, infamous Dallaire memo, may be a shock to many influenced by the Wests lying propaganda and its alleged laudatory motives towards Africa. https://youtube/watch?v=u8NHawXaOPc&list=PLF1usGzxawcw_OMzSOrGMOcey428-_9mL&feature=share&index=4 And heres a briefer interview on the same topic: https://youtube/watch?v=v-fvd0mwmV8 * * * * (A few notes on the WPF) My impression of the World Public Forum is that it is a place purely for intellectuals from many countries to discuss global problems. Its themes and participants tend to be anti-imperialist, but they are often infused with liberal values (dread of revolution, the idea that capitalism can be reformed, etc.). That is, they are distant from both the working class and the only ideology that can grapple with capitalisms global crisis, Marxism. Most contributions are helpful as a reminder of capitalisms ability (historically) to emit fine-sounding principles and declarations during its blood-soaked rise and in its efforts to stay in power in its imperialist stage. Like any large forum, the contributions are uneven in quality. The organizing groups site is here: rhodesforum.org/ The top video on the home page has a playlist of 36 videos from the Sept. conference, which may be of great value if they are of the same calibre as Chris. Heres a three-minute intro to the World Public Forum. https://youtube/watch?v=W161ttXvaAA The group has its own youtube channel: https://youtube/user/worldpublicforum/featured Chris is listed on page 7 of this program. All the speakers and topics are of great interest and value today. wpfdc.org/images/docs/2014_Rhodes_Forum_Scientific_Program_23_09_web.pdf
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 21:07:07 +0000

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