Over 100 new members so a huge thank you to everyone who decided - TopicsExpress


Over 100 new members so a huge thank you to everyone who decided to add their friends (you still can by the way) and a huge welcome to everyone who was recently added. I know for a fact you will find the posts I send out each day motivational, educational and supportive as I only send out information from reliable sources that are the best in their field in this sometimes controversial and confusing world of health and fitness. So if FAT LOSS is your goal then heres something to focus on this next month and beyond: Omega 3s are often dubbed to be vital, and I agree. The western diet is out of balance in favour of Omega 6s (they are important though). Omega 3s are a poly-unsaturated fat and there are two types - DHA and EPA. Combined together they serve us with many benefits including - . Cognitive function . Reduction in LDL (bad) cholesterol . Hormone health . Insulin sensitivity (especially on a diet high in saturated fats) And theres plenty more! Algae is one of the biggest natural sources of both Omega 3s and it is fish who tend to consume vast quantities of this. Salmon, mackerel and so on (oily fish). With that said I believe more of you should focus on eating oily fish more regularly to optimise health and fat loss. I also believe Omega 3 supplementation is one of the best products to take. Crash dieting is something I have grown to detest as would any good coach. We hear the term used enough, but what is it? To me crash dieting is ‘’oh s***, holiday in 4 weeks. . . .best eat ‘well’ . . . . .’’ and so it starts. Ridiculously low calories, loads of exercise thrown in just to make it worse. It’s ok though, you have lost 14lbs in 7 days. The scales say you are winning, the mirror says otherwise. And wait, the best bit has happened yet. In 4 weeks’ time you give in, indulge like someone on a food frenzy for a few weeks, put all the weight back on AND more. What’s worse, you are now hormonally and metabolically in a worse state. The guilt eats away at you, you go again. Each circle completed adds another layer of issues to the concoction. It’s just insane living this way. INSANE. Instead strive to adapt a healthy LIFESTYLE. You have to eat every day so why go out of your way to eat s*** for days on end? Just be reasonable all year round and for most people that will do. Flitting from one extreme to the complete opposite end of the spectrum within a matter of days is an eating disorder to me. Live a healthy lifestyle instead, it is that simple. On top of my fish intake these are what I take daily below. Focus on the highest EPA/DHA figures per capsule you can find. uk.bodybuilding/store/now/ultra3.html
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 21:36:46 +0000

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