Over 7 million israeli citizens wants to live in peace. they want - TopicsExpress


Over 7 million israeli citizens wants to live in peace. they want to wake up at morning, go to work, school or hang out with friends. they want to get back home to their children, wife or husband. they charish life. Ive never met an israeli who charish death, who wants to die for the name of god and kill as many muslims as he can with him. im yet to meet a jew who wants to kill a muslim, christian or buddhaist just for being diffrent. I have never heared of a jewish mother who blessed her son for killing people, for suiciding for the name of god, for taking lives. I know no jew who worships death. the israeli society aswell most modern societies condemn murder and violence. the muslim society accepts it, moreover, murderers are considers heros. Approximately 14 milion jewish people live around the globe, about 6 million of them live in israel. about 6 million people who live in fear, who suffer terror for years just for being jewish, just for living in israel. Arab nations call for the destruction of israel since 48. for almost 70 years now. israel has offered peace so many times, too many to count. israel has treated the conflict with respect and restraint. israel suffered many casualties over the years, men, women and children who were tortured and murdered just for being jewish. some died protecting their home, and some were just murdered when they were taking the bus, or hanging at a club. 23,169 used to be the number just not long ago. its atleast 23,172 by now after the murder of the 3 israeli teenagers, and unfortunately still counting. past the last couple of weeks ive been wondering about this whole situation. ive been trying to understand how, how can the world be so blind to our suffer? is jewish blood worth less then muslim blood? or christian blood? would any other country or nation be willing to live in fear, to suffer daily terror for almost 70 years and still be restrained as israel? is any other country willing to suffer daily hits by rockets and missiles? so there is the argument of israel conquering palestinian lands, the israeli occupation. i would like to state few things in that matter. FIRST of all, there was never a palestinian state, how can one conquer somthing who never existed? SECOND, israel was allways and still is willing to live in co existence with the palestinian people, israel has offered peace in so many occasions, 1948 - the jewish and muslim people in israel were offered an agreement of two countries, the palestinians were offered about 45% of the land. the jewish people accepted. the muslims rejected and started a war in order to annihilate and exterminate the jewish people of israel. 4 arabic armies invaded israel for destruction. thats one example of israel turning for peace, while the palestininans turning to war and violence - many more examples can be found. on the other hand when the muslims turn to peace its looks diffrent - the camp david agreements for example, egypt and israel agreed on peace. Israel stood up for all its promises such as returning lands, and NEVER attacked egypt since. when the muslims turn to peace - there shall be peace. the only logical explaination for the current situation of no peace with the palestininans is that THEY DO NOT WANT PEACE. THEY WANT ISRAEL GONE - AND FOR SOME REASON THE WORLS SUPPORTS IT. there are approximately 1.8 Billion muslims around the globe. the common assumption claims about 15 to 25 precents are radicals. that means 270 to 450 Million muslim radicals who worships death and wants to see the world burn. the international terror is not the problem of israel only. international terror is a problem of the WHOLE WORLD. 9/11 is unfortunately a great example for that. and Hamas is no diffrent. claiming israel occupying palestinian lands is like caliming the united states of america is occupying an afghanistanian land - the city of new york. And we all know thats not true. there are 22 Arabic countries, and 60 countries which are defined muslim. there is only one jewish/israeli country. just one. israel is one of the smallest countries on the globe. israels area is about 22,000 KMM. about 7 times smaller then the state of new york and about 80 times smaller then iran. israel occupies about 7 to 8 million people, about 2.5 times less then (again) the state of new york. Israeli agenda does not try to change the world. israel just wants to survive and live in peace - which is unfortunately a difficult mission in the middle east. anywhere in the world - where there are radical muslims there is trouble. i must point out, i have nothing against islam. i personally consider myself as an atheist. i couldnt care less wather a person is christian, muslim, jewish, buddhasit or holds in any other belief. the only problem i have is with radicals - who prevents the world and israel along from living in peace and prosperity. the jewish nation has its right to exist and have a country - they do not ask for much, they settle with a small country with no much oil nor water. they just want to have their country, to leave in peace, to prosper. to not have to fear for their lives every day. to not have to suffer terrorism on a daily basis. its israels Right to exist, to survive and to defend itself. the palestinians wants to annihilate the jewish people, to murder and butcher them - AND THE WORLD DOES NOT BAT AN EYE. Judaism is not the problem and neither is israel. Islamic radicals are the problem, and if they ever finish off with israel THEY WILL FIND A NEW TARGET. they will never let the world live in peace. Some people just wants to see the world burn. israels has survived many wars and attacks. but it needs the worlds support. for the people who still believe that a palestinian country will solve the problem - youre more then welcome to spectate Syria, a muslim country with no israeli occupation. in Syria people are being executed on a daily basis. in this pure islamic country with no israelis more then 150,000 people were killed past the last two years. you can also check out Iran - whos trying to achieve nuclear weapon, and funding terrorists around the globe - again no israeli occupation there. you can aswell check iraq, afghanistan, saudia arabia and pakistan - were executions are a common and accepted thing, were a woman can be murdered for just talking with a man, dressing wrong and many other minor things. where whole families are being murdered for respect. Those who worship death will never let the rest live in peace. NEVER. Would you be willing to live in fear? would you let some radicals kidnap and murder your children? would you not act if a terrorist blows up a bus killing innocent people? if a mob throws rocks at you? The citizens of south israel have 15 seconds to find shelther when they hear the alarm. 15 seconds are a matter of life and death. 15 seconds before the rocket hits. dozens of times a day. 15 seconds of fear and terror. dozens of times a day they have to call their loved ones to make sure they are all fine, that no one was hurt, dozens of times a day they call their son fearing they will never hear him again. if You were here instead of them, would you act with restraint? i ask the world, no, I BEG THE WORLD - OPEN YOUR EYES! ISRAEL FIGHTS FOR EXISTENCE! i wrote these words with sincere pain, please dont let them pass by. share with your friends, especially the not israeli ones. let the world know.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 01:06:41 +0000

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