Over a century ago ,while talking about the USA Governments - TopicsExpress


Over a century ago ,while talking about the USA Governments colonization of the Philippines, Mark Twain said “I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate the people of the Philippines.” “We have gone there to conquer, not to redeem.” “And so I am an anti-imperialist. I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land.” “We have pacified some thousands of the islanders and buried them; destroyed their fields, burned their villages, turned their widows and orphans out-of-doors, (and) subjugated the remaining ten million by Benevolent Assimilation, which is the pious new name of the musket…” He proposed a new American flag. Envisioning one “with the white stripes painted black and the stars replaced by the skull and cross-bones.” Appalled that General Jacob Smith ordered his troops to “kill and burn.” “(T)his is no time to take prisoners,” he said. (T)he more you kill and burn, the better.” “Kill all above the age of ten. (T)urn (the Philippines into) a howling wilderness.” Wars are lunatic acts. Resolving nothing. Preventing any hope for peace. Begetting endless violence. Waging perpetual wars reflects official US policy. Crimes of war, against humanity and genocide follow. Millions of corpses attest to America’s barbarity. Paris mourns 17 lost lives. Avoidable tragedies. Victims deserving to live. Get equitable and just treatment. Who mourns for the daily victims of US-dominated NATO ruthlessness? From ongoing imperial direct and proxy wars. Endless ones. Countless millions affected worldwide. The dead, dying, mutilated, suffering, deprived and exploited. Who rallies on their behalf? Who demands lawless imperial slaughter end? Who accepts nothing less than peace, equity and justice? Who puts their bodies on the line for them? Who resists growing tyranny in Western societies? Who fights for democratic freedoms fast slipping away? Who demands responsible governments replace ill-serving ones? Who goes all out for what matters most? Public rallies achieve nothing. Nor high-minded rhetoric. Committed grassroots activism for change alone works. Sustained for the long haul. No matter the cost. The alternative is continued subjugation. Ruler/serf societies. Ones unfit to live in. The kind Washington intends instituting worldwide. Unless mass public outrage stops it once and for all. Rally for right over wrong daily. Support what matters most. Forget about Je suis Charlie. Propaganda rubbish shoved down our throats. By Western oppressors vital to oppose. The fundamental issue of our time!
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 00:48:37 +0000

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