Over a year old, but worth taking a look. Every day it seems - TopicsExpress


Over a year old, but worth taking a look. Every day it seems there is a story in the news about a law enforcement officer assaulting or killing someone who is innocent and unarmed. Because of liberal media bias (and I dare you to deny that the liberal media hates cops!), selective editing, and political spin, a lot of people are being subversively and subliminally trained to distrust police at best, and at worst to be actively antagonistic toward them. And rarely does the media follow up the story when it turns out the so-called victim assaulted the cop and the cop was acting within the scope of the law in their actions. When a cop responds to a situation, they have only the crudest knowledge of what has occurred. They dont know if you are the victim or the assailant, if you are telling the truth or lying. They have no idea of your past, if you have a history of violence. Hell, they dont even know who you are until they can get a positive ID and a background check. They only know the info that you provided to 911. And you know what? People, especially criminals, lie. And even criminals dial 911, more often than you realize. Its obviously a heightened and dramatic situation most of the time when you have to call 911. Emotions are typically very intense, volatile and erratic. In order for the police to effectively do their job, they need to control the environment. You cant have people running around, screaming, adding to the mayhem and confusion. People forget that when a cop shows up, it is his job to enforce order and take control of the situation. If you are not cooperating and are creating a disturbance and interfering in his investigation, he is allowed to take you into temporary custody in order to maintain control. This means he can place you in restraints if needed and put you in the patrol vehicle. Even if you are innocent, dont resist! Dont try to run or to fight! Cooperate! If youve done nothing wrong and its later proven that the officer abused their authority, put the law to use for you and get a lawyer! Believe it or not, there are lots of lawyers out there that hate cops worse than you do. You may end up not only costing a possibly bad cop to get fired, but you get a big financial settlement as well. Isnt this a hell of a lot more preferential than say, getting your ass kicked or getting tazed, or even getting shot and killed?! And if you are stupid enough to actually try and fight a cop and end up getting your ass kicked, getting tazed or getting shot and killed, then dont try and blame the cop for your choice of actions. . . . You know what, its late and Im tired as hell, and nothing I say is going to make a difference to anyone in this godforsaken county that have already made up their minds that all cops are bullies and are worse than the actual criminals. For the record, in the video, it isnt relevant that hes an Army soldier, nor that the Officer is a US Marine. His attitude and language, both verbally and bodily, were clearly antagonistic toward the officer. His posturing when the officer stepped toward him along with his statement Know who youre talking to!, were more than sufficient justification for his being taken to the ground and subdued. Frankly, with his behavior, the so-called soldier is a disgrace to everyone who ever served with honor. I would hope that this video was shown to his CO, and that he ended up with a BCD. Judging from the follow up video that the local liberal CBS station tried to spin in his favor, he looks like they did. It terrifies me to think how he would do in combat if something like this caused him to actually CRY LIKE A LITTLE GIRL during the interview. And that Know who youre talking to! thing...I know many people that are truly good and kind, but who also have the skills and knowledge to cause incredible pain and damage, and who would never be so ARROGANT as to try and claim that being in the military makes them superior to someone else. I talk about my service in the Marines because its a significant part of my life, which I am proud of. But I would never claim that Im better than someone else because of this. One other last thing. Cops are still only human. Every human has their breaking point, and if you keep pushing, then you have to deal with the consequences of it breaking.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 07:35:23 +0000

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