Over and over I marvel at the blessings of my life. Each year has - TopicsExpress


Over and over I marvel at the blessings of my life. Each year has grown better than the last. First off I give thanks to my Creator for this wonderful life where i have the opportunity to learn lessons i can not fully comprehend by any other means. Thankyou for allowing me to wake each morning and giving me the strength to keep moving forward in life. I am thankful for being a mom of the sweetest little thing I ever had my daughter Karmalynne. Thankyou for kissing my flaws thinking that I am perfect. For needing my arms as she lays to sleep. For laughing while she’s crying as I transform into a tickle monster or make some silly jokes. For being happy with little things we share. For testing the level of my sanity when her endless tantrum begins. For reminding me that the daily routines we do together are actually different, and each day I learn from it. For training my resistance to patience. For teaching me not to be embarrassed when she does something awful in the middle of the crowd because I am a mom and willing to do the right way in the midst of it all. For asking me to hug her, which actually means carry her. For helping me dig through my creativity. For helping me define unconditional love. Nessa CosentinoI am grateful for your smile. Whether you are delighted with something in me or simply joyful about life, your smile is sunshine that warms my heart and helps me feel at peace. Your smile brings out my smile and I feel the joy of that act changing my whole day. I am grateful for your hands.I feel comforted by your embrace and excited by your passionate touch. Your hands offer help, assurance, they are reminders that I have support in my life. I am grateful for your voice. You speak words of consolation when I ache, you tell truths when I forget who I am, you laugh and incite my laughter when I’m caught in the seriousness of life. I am grateful for your eyes. You see beauty, possibility and truth when I am blind to life’s light. I am grateful for your heart beating with constancy and strength. I am grateful for you, for all the ways you love me; grateful for how easily you allow me to love you. Im grateful for your precious presence, in memories past and this present moment. For you my love, I am much more than grateful. I am blessed. A friend is someone who will catch you when you fall, dry your tears and tell you it will be all right, pretend to be happy just to cheer you up, never leave you by yourself, attempt to talk to you at least once a day no matter what, make you laugh when youre sad, call back if you hang up on them, make everything you two do together into something fun no matter how boring it is, always remind you of your inside jokes, finish your sentences, stop you from doing something stupid or hurting yourself, and theyre always willing to give up something that means a lot to them because they can be sure youll always be there in return, and because to them youll always mean more than you can imagine. A friend is someone who understands and accepts your past, believes in your future, and accepts you today just the way you are. For this I want to thank you Jennifer Brewer I could not ask for a better best friend. I am thankfull for all the family in my life blood related or not. We are all a little disfunctional at times we fight but I wouldnt trade any of you for anything. Thankyou for putting up with my crazy ass and always accepting me for me. Thankyou for teaching me love and being support in hard times, and never giving up on me. Thankyou for the insperation and joy you bring to my life even if you dont get to see eachother as much as I would like. Im thankful for my job, the clothes on my back, the roof over my head, and food in my stomach. Last but not least I am thankful for all difficult people in my life, they have shown me exactly who I do not want to be. Thankyou to the people that have hurt me or knocked me down because ive learned many life lessons and grown with strength to know I can and will over come anything. Thankyou everybody have a beautiful and safe Thanksgiving. God bless you all!!
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 16:38:49 +0000

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