Over the course of the last two days, a growing number of people - TopicsExpress


Over the course of the last two days, a growing number of people have called for the deportation of Muslims and restrictions placed on Islam. While there has been a great deal of criticism leveled at adherents of the religion for some time, the attacks against the French satirical publication Charlie Hebdo have made the backlash worse. On Friday, for example, WND reported that calls for the U.S. government to strip citizenship from Americans who leave “to take up arms with jihadists against America” is being renewed, citing a petition by the American Center for Law and Justice. American jihadists are joining ISIS and other terrorist organizations, the petition says. They’re traveling to Syria to be trained in Jihad. And they’re still keeping their American passport, their American citizenship. That means they can travel back to the U.S. to commit acts of terror, the petition adds. We must strip their citizenship and seize their passports. They are traitors, not citizens. The Obama State Department says it’s not as black and white as that.” The petition currently has over 166,000 signatures. Another petition at a British government website seeks a public vote to ban Islam from the United Kingdom. The petitioner, identified as Ian, says the British public should have the right to vote if Islam should be allowed to continue in the U.K just as Scotland was given the opportunity to vote for its independence. Followers will not integrate into British society but instead demand the country they now reside in change around them instead, not just in Britain but example like this have been seen in France, Germany and Even China (sic), Ian said. Like the ACLJ petition, Ian cites British Muslims leaving the country to fight for ISIS, the radical group that has taken large areas of Iraq and Syria. He also cited terror attacks in the country, child marriages, honor killings and the things we have fought hundreds of year to correct. This decision would not be racist as it is not focusing on a person colour or origin but instead a destructive belief system, he added. Ian said that that just as Nazism is abolished so should this intolerant system. The petition has so far garnered over 5,000 signatures. In late December, some 17,500 Germans took to the streets of Dresden to protest what they see as the growing Islamization of the country. But perhaps the most strident anti-Islamic sentiment can be seen on social media -- a venue some Muslims would like to see stripped bare of any criticism. A search of Twitter reveals that hundreds have called for all Muslims to be deported from the western world. The situation has only been exacerbated by comments made by radical cleric Anjem Choudary, who has been making the rounds, telling various media outlets that Muslims have every right to protect their religion, even if it means committing murder. I think they should deport all Muslims who praise or support the attacks, one person said on Twitter. Better yet just get them all out!! Deport all Muslims, problem solved, another person added. Deport ALL MUSLIMS on the terror watch list and their families- and DONT LET THEM BACK IN THE COUNTRY, another Twitter user said. #France rise up, toss out the white hating socialists and deport all Muslims now, Twitter user Angus MacDonald said. France is a white country. Not everyone agreed, arguing that not all Muslims are terrorists, and not every Muslim originates from the Middle East. Nevertheless, a large number said the only solution to terrorism like that which struck France this week is to rid the country of those who refuse to live in peace with people of different religious beliefs. Choudary, for example, recently told Ben Shapiro that he was born in England and has every right to live there. He went on to tell Shapiro that it isnt radical Muslims who should change, but the West. We can’t change the Koran, we can’t change the sayings of the Prophet, which include insulting the Prophet and the consequences, he told Shapiro. But you can change your laws. He also warned that if the West doesnt change its laws to suit Muslims, there will be a “blood bath.” examiner/article/calls-to-deport-muslims-restrict-islam-grow-wake-of-paris-attacks
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 22:53:00 +0000

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