Over the last 17 months my family & very close friends have a lot - TopicsExpress


Over the last 17 months my family & very close friends have a lot of passings & issues; also there been a couple good things. I have very bad dental issues I had most of my fillings/crowns/teeth fall out/break off & have been working on since ago this months. Passings Dan Capps 1/30/13 ( daddy/noms husband since his 30th birthday 6/18 would have celebrated their 50th anniversary that year 51st this year) He passed on my closest childhood friend & still very close friend today & was there for me during that time by text cause she didnt live here Knoxville & didnt bring it up that it was her birthday. I remembered after fact & wished her happy one. Thank you Beth Lamb. On 3/28/13 the man of the couple mom works for passed away & mom still works for the woman of the couple. Please pray for the woman mom works for cause she broke her hip on Memorial Day weekend & just came back home this past week (shes in her 90s) & has few medical issues. Please pray for her that her hip will heal good/soon & none of her medical issues flair up during hip healing. Also. Pray for her family too. New Years Day my Uncle Bills childhood friend named Bill passed away. Pray for his family. On 1/17/14 my Aunt Mary passed away she was noms older sister & Mom to Mark McCurley & MaryAnn Andrews & grandmother to Alyssa Renee Andrews who all live in Texas. Also, their father George passed away 1/26/14. On her funeral day 1/22/14my Uncle Bill passed away & his wife Aunt Jan Tobler passed away on 5/5/14 they were parents to Kenneth Tobler, his wife Mac Tobler & Dean Tobler, his wife Wendy Wendy Tobler ; Berh Beth Ann Tobler Arrigo, her husband Raymond Arrigo & grandparents to Michelle Ramsey Haun, Amber Hunter, Jacob Tobler & Ben & Maddie Tobler. Thats my moms side of the family; her mom passed away on thanksgiving 78 & dad Labor Day 93. Daddys dad passed in 68 I think before I was born, mom 12/19/91 thats my grandparents both sides. Daddys sisters passed awl at in early 90s, Aunt Laura in September 94 & her husband still alive; Aunt Connie on 7/30/91 & her husband passed too I cant remember when ( Sorry cousins that I cant) On 6/15/14 on Fathers Day night close childhood/still close friend, Beth Lambs father Stanley Wentz passed. Her family: mom Shirley Ann Glass Wentz. sisters: Tori Wentz, Allison Wentz & LaRaye were the to show me what it was to have sisters. Please pray their family & Beths husband Keith Lamb & their children & his other grandchildren & their families. Also, his newest one named Ricky, which is one of the good thing I mentioned, adopted by Tori . Im happy for you! The other good thing having to do with this family is Beths family moved back here to Knoxville! Please pray for everyone & their family I have mentioned.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 22:34:06 +0000

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