Over the last 5 yrs I have heard the following things more times - TopicsExpress


Over the last 5 yrs I have heard the following things more times than I can count and it is really starting to irritate me! 1. Youre not doing anything so you could do.... 2. Youre lazy. 3. You play computer games all day. 4. Youre spoiled. 5. You dont cook. 6. Do you do anything? 7. You are a picky eater. 8. You have so many quirks. 9. You never want to do anything. 10. You always have this hateful look on your face. These things I hear from everyone but my husband and he is the only one who has the right to complain. Here is my response to the above statements. I will explain myself once and once only. The next time I ever hear the remarks I will delete you on facebook and/or walk away from you. Please forgive the super long post but I am done with this crap. 1. I am doing something. I have maintained a 3.8 to a 4.0 GPA throughout my entire college career and continue to do so. Um, that kind of GPA is not handed to you. You have to work your a$$ off for it! My husband is in clean clothes everyday. He gets his hair cut by me. I tend to 4 horses, a dog, 4 cats, and 8 fish daily. My dishes are clean and while my house is super far from perfect it is certainly not a pig sty. I make my husband a pack of cigarettes everyday. No I am not so lazy that I have to go buy a $5+ packs of cigs when I can make him the same thing for like $1. I preserve genealogical history everyday for complete strangers as well as relatives. I have indexed over 50,000 genealogical records in their entirety containing over 750,000 names. I do tons of other genealogical work as well but we dont have time to discuss all of that! So no I dont have time to do this, that, and the other. Stop assuming I am just sitting here with nothing at all to do! 2. No, I am not lazy! I have been an independent hardworking person since I was 13 years old living on my own. I have only been dependent these lat 5-6 years. I am sick. I have epilepsy! I can have numerous seizures a day. The seizures are not long but the postictal time can last a few hours. So I spend much of my time in a daze. Contrary to your belief I am not lazy. I am tired! 3. Yes, I play a lot of computer games but not as many as some but more than most. My playing computer games keeps me from being one of those crazy people that run around shooting up everything that irritates them. But no, not all day...after all. I do currently hold a 3.8 GPA! 4. Youre spoiled! So what! You jealous? Take that up with your man not me! But here is the thing. I might be spoiled but I think what you are seeing is more of a dependency thing. I have become dependent over the last 5-6 years but I assure you that is not by choice. 5. You dont cook! So what? You jealous? Well, the fact of the matter is... I do cook just not a lot. For one, I am not allowed to cook unless someone is home because of my epilepsy almost burning me and my house down 3 times! I do cook most of the baked goods and a couple select meals but the fact of the matter is that my husband is an awesome cook so why not let him cook?? 6. Yes, I actually do a lot. People just have no idea! 7. Picky Eater!! So what?? You arent buying my groceries. The fact of the matter is that I eat less than 1/2 of the kinds of foods I used to eat. This is not by choice. I just can no longer stomach many foods. There are a lot of foods I like that I no longer eat. The only thing that I dont like is fruit and have never liked is fruit ! I hate all fruit. Most all other foods that I do not eat is because they will make me puke. So unless you want puked on...shut up. 8. Quirks??? What you think you have no quirks?..LOL..Everyone does! Quirks are behaviors that are developed through conditioning. In other words, quirks are like phobias that were created from undesired effect being associated with a specific stimuli. The stimuli even when no longer paired with the undesired effect can induce a phobia or a quirk. My quirks are based off of my life experiences so ease up with your ridicule and jokes because you have no idea how those quirks came about. 9. I never want to do anything?? I am too tired. I suffer from extreme social anxiety. No, I dont want to spend hours doing something that doesnt interest me. Just because it interest you does not mean it interest me. If I am going to suffer social anxiety, I be damned if I am going to be doing it for someone else. Its going to be for my kids, me, or my man. 10. Hateful look?? Sorry, you have mistaken my pain and dehydration for hatefulness. Take 3 baseballs and a bunch of ping pong balls and shove it in your gut and you will be amazed how much pain you can hide. Not very much! Walk on razors see how much of that pain you can hide. and finally always have a full bladder and a continuous nagging thirst that makes your lips stick to your teeth and your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth only seconds after downing a 20 ounce bottle of water. See how pleasant you look then!!! Done venting. Now get off my back!!!! Super long..
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 04:35:40 +0000

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