Over the last century or so, nearly 300 millions people (chiefly - TopicsExpress


Over the last century or so, nearly 300 millions people (chiefly intellectuals, aboriginals and ethnic minorities) got exterminated by their own governments. To give you an idea, its half the population of the whole North-America. I gathered that number while studying about Khmers Rouges, and most recently about the 1973 Chile coup détat. What happened in the afterward is what is called a democide (government culling a segment of their own population) and I read that the one in Chile was purely for economic reasons, fear of Communism being a coverup. Among many other details, we see that Nixon (along local conservatives and business class) wanted Chile Natives out of the way so copper would be easier to take out, he wanted Chile to cut social services and unions so the economy will scream. Human rights and environmental laws, always mean less profit after all....Allende provided education to Natives and food programs to the poor. This was deemed a catastrophe. Huge amount of money got channeled to anyone in Chile who opposed him; the local right wing movements emerged further into the light to commit aggressions and sabotages; as an example, electricity got cut during one of his speeches . The rest is history. He ultimately died (he got suicided) during the coup détat and then teachers, artists, engineers and other educated people simply got rounded in a stadium and shot. Lots of money (and personnel) got supplied to ensure that the job was carried on properly and many historian maintain that the overthrow would have been impossible without foreign support... When big changes occur (like : a very socialistic government gets elected somewhere), the backward elements of society always start raising hell to bring back the old ways. The outcome varies and it can go very extreme. At the same time than Chile, other countries (Cambodge, Bangladesh etc) also exterminated their whole intellectual class, all under different pretexts to start from fresh with an ignorant population where questioning authority is taboo , and to make sure that no one will ever vote a progressive party back in power. They didnt hesitate to sacrifice a whole generation to implement their views. And if an outer investor has an eye on your natural resources, your educated population is most likely to be viewed as an obstacle to profit. What I find weird is that such instances of intellectual cleansing all happened almost simultaneously in countries that are far apart with different political regimes. You had peaks at the turn of the century, from 1938 to 1946 (start listing the politicians of that era who despised intellectuals, see you tomorrow!!!)) and in the 70s like some common blueprint, even if they had very little official contact together. Like if their was a consensus to prevent people to reach a certain level of awareness.. Judging by current news, they are on schedule... You cant let the cattle outsmart the farmer...
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 13:10:01 +0000

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