Over the last decades, there has been a misguided perception - - TopicsExpress


Over the last decades, there has been a misguided perception - especially among parents and their parents aka grandparents - that good qualifications are the most important and sure-fire way of getting a job. Truth be told, qualifications are one of the most important but NOT the most important requirements. Besides qualifications, you need good communications skills and understanding of the people around you. In particular your boss and colleagues in your department since you will be seeing and working with them most of the time. If you are in sales and marketing, you also have to take your prospects and customers into consideration. But even before that, you have to go and pass through the interviews first. Without, all of those above will not be possible. Besides telling people about yourself, your qualifications, hobbies etc, you have to answer the dreaded and most common question of either why they should hire you or even consider you for the job. NOW this is where the importance of giving value comes into place. And this is something that the school teachers and even parents have NEVER taught since even they do not realize it. Realistically speaking, the ONLY people who understand this are successful entrepreneurs and if you want to learn from them, you might have to invest a significant sum of $ on top of your school fees. When I first started working in 1996 after army, internet was just developing in Singapore. There was no Google, Facebook or Youtube. Given the fact I had to rely solely on newspapers, friends and employment agencies feedback, I was at the clear disadvantage as the information I got might not always be reliable. Now with all these social media and search engine tools in place, I will find out as much as I can about the company I am going for interview as possible besides the job I applied for. I will even try to trace ex-employees of the company if there are any through this site or other platforms. This is very important because whether you know or do not know about the company and job scope could very well make or break your chance of getting a job since your answers could very be determined by the interviewer of the value he sees in you within seconds. Even if you do get the job, you have to be able to get along and still provide value as in helping your boss and colleagues and not fulfiling your responsibilities for the sake of getting paid and keeping the job. Always make sure you are the go-to-person they can rely on and trust. Let me ask you. If you are the boss or HR personal entrusted with the unpleasant duty of retrenching staff, who will you likely eliminate? The ones that provide value as in helping the company even if it means doing more than what your job requires? Or the ones who are just working to get paid, keep the job and knocked off from work the minute the clock struck 5 or 6pm? Hint: If you want to leave around that time, always make sure your boss leaves FIRST or he or she gives you permission to knock off from work. If you are really dedicated, you will want to complete the task for the day first. Because your response at that time could very be determined by your boss in his criteria of requirements whether or not he should or should not keep you for long-term. So besides qualifications, providing value and getting along with your boss and colleagues are equally important. Might consider coming up with an ebook, video course and site before putting it on Clickbank along with my affiliate marketing and telemarketing courses.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 07:00:16 +0000

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