Over the past 12 years at my current job, I watched myself lose - TopicsExpress


Over the past 12 years at my current job, I watched myself lose the excitement to be there that once came so naturally. I began to take on the traits of a corporate zombie. I showed up, grunted a few times throughout the day and thought about where I was going to eat my next meal. When the habit for the week came up telling me to do what I love and to choose a career that I enjoy, I got so nervous. Am I to up and quit a job that I love because a happiness blog tells me so? Then I thought about what I just said…”a job that I love.” I love my job?! What the heck?! Have I gotten so busy that I lost focus of how much I enjoy it here? I spent the rest of the week looking through grateful heart-felt e-mails and multiple award nominations that I had received over the years. As I remembered the feeling that I felt when I had received these, I could feel the passion begin to come back into my heart. I then plugged myself into different departments where I always enjoyed my time and as I did, I could feel the familiar fire returning to my belly. And THAT’S what this past week was about. Don’t be miserable where you are. Change something…anything. Find a way to either get away from the things that cause you unhappiness or find a way to rekindle the feelings that you once had with something that you enjoyed. Many years ago, I saw a card at the store and I had to buy it. Not for anyone else, but because what it said and represented struck me so deeply. Today, I am reminded of this card which contained a picture of sand running through an hourglass and words that I only now am beginning to fully understand: “Life is brief and very fragile…do that which makes you happy.”
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 15:17:42 +0000

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