Over the past 2 days, not only have I had to deal with the - TopicsExpress


Over the past 2 days, not only have I had to deal with the logistics of getting into an accident, which is scary for anyone. Today while driving I was looking over my shoulder, second guessing myself, jumping at things. Ive been very upfront with this project and in sharing the trials and tribulations surrounding it over the past 7 years, however this one I seriously hesitated with because I was embarrassed. How could I, a person who just prided herself on getting this car to the 50th state just crash into a light post in front of the VW dealership? Ive done countless all nighters, driven 20 hours at a time state to state in horrible conditions. I am practically a professional driver for what its worth and the miles I cover per year. I wasnt texting or on the phone, I was in a confusing parking lot and went into a dead end, turned around, and looked to the left to see where the roads connected, and as I looked I thought I saw a connection, but looked longer, and longer, and then yes I saw the connection, and BAM! Such a small mistake with such damage. So I shared this with hesitation and to my surprise people offered to help. The day I got into the accident was the same day I was going to be launching a $50,000 kickstarter campaign to Qualify Fagbug Nation for the Oscars. Because of this happening, that campaign is on hold until the car is fixed. I did not make an initial post or campaign to raise funds, I shared with what I thought to be my audience what happened, and people offered and asked I launch a campaign for it. I didnt realize Id be getting such backlash for doing so. Im grateful for receiving the help I need because I honestly have no way to pay for it, and would have to cancel my spring events. There are many, many misconceptions about what I do as an artist, filmmaker, educator, speaker, businesswoman. People criticize me and say things like, If it was just about the message only charge travel costs and be a not for profit. I have done this job full time for 7 years. No one can work 7 years full time for free. I do what I love and am able to get by doing it. I am not rich by any means, and struggle most of the time, however I am not too proud to ask for help when I need it with the project, or to work hard to fundraise. For anyone who has an interest in being their own boss, starting their own business, making a movie, being a full time artist, or being in the public eye, it takes a lot of work, and you have to be willing to endure criticism. Its really draining and can be hard, but Ive never let it deter me, and am not going to start now.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 20:14:04 +0000

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