Over the past couple of years, I’ve seen a number of status from - TopicsExpress


Over the past couple of years, I’ve seen a number of status from women in their late 30s and 40s saying “I’m going to be strong through this”. They were dealing with the breakup of their marriages, and preparing themselves for the reality of life after divorce. I have no doubt that they will be strong – my question is “Why were their men so weak?” Their youngest children having grown past childhood, their wives no longer able to maintain the look of their youth, these men like clockwork (whether intentionally or out of unseen vanity), suddenly have “irreconcilable differences” with their wives, and begin to look for something “new”. I was a child of such a divorce and as I get older, I understand the pull that men have to deny the reality of their own mortality. Men – what you think you’ll find in the arms of another woman is an illusion. You may marry a younger woman, even start a new family, but you’ll add no more years to your life, no more respect to your name, and will most certainly damage your relationship with your children (to say nothing of the example they’re being taught). What you’re seeking, whether you know it or not (and you probably don’t), is Jesus Christ. You’re looking for significance, real life, and hope. You’re hating the curse of sin which means aging, sickness, and death. And every day it gets harder and harder to live with a wife who is a walking reminder of the ticking clock of the impermanence of your life. While jettisoning the life and wife you have may “feel” like turning back the clock, it’s a lie, and in the end it will be seen for the bitter poison it is. Running from a wife that reminds you that you’re getting older, doesn’t make you any younger. Turn to the only One who can actually change the reality of your circumstances, and you’ll discover that that new life you’re looking for doesn’t begin in an attorney’s office. It begins on your knees. - P. Dave
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 16:41:10 +0000

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